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My Ex-husband Begs Me Back (Ayan and Camille) novel Chapter 154

But Camille really never knew that Callum would give her shares, and she didn't care if they kept their promises, because what she liked more than the benefits and money was their sincerity to her.

If a day can act out, but more than 300 days a year is impossible to perform.

So the Simpsons was genuinely nice to her.

Camille just smiled gently and said lightly, "Are you saying this because you want me to draw a line in the sand after taking a piece of the Simpsons?"

Camille frowned with a very low face.

Brody gave her a look before saying, "Cami, it's not that dad is being harsh on you, it's that dad can't help it, besides, you still don't know that grandma is not your mother's real mother, right? Your mother and I both agree that since you were raised by your grandmother, you should be responsible for her, after all, your mother and I are not obligated to take care of her."

Camille can't believe these words are coming out of Brody's mouth.

Since she is not Page's real mother, she is not her real grandmother either, so how did they feel comfortable leaving her in the care of someone who is not related to her in the first place?

What do they have in mind?

Camille looked at him wordlessly, a cold chill in her eyes, and if she had a trace of regret for the Armstrongs as a whole until just now, it had all but disappeared.

She is endlessly grateful to her grandmother, whether or not she is related by blood.

When she thought of her grandmother, a cold chill appeared on Camille's face, and her voice was even colder to the extreme as she said, "I'm sorry! I may not be able to help you, grandpa is hospitalized because of this matter, and I can't convince Ayan, so there's nothing I can do."

"What do you mean by that? What do you mean you can't do anything about it? You can't even handle such a small matter?"

"Well, I can't handle it, so don't be looking for me, as for Grandma, I will take responsibility, after all, she has been with me to take care of me growing up, for me, she is not only Grandma, she is still my mom and dad, so I don't care whether there is blood or not!"

After Camille's words, she stopped paying attention to Brody.

Looking at her attitude, Brody was furious and went straight over to the desk and glared at her: "Camille, is this how you respect your elders?"

"What do you think I should be? Like Grace, like a little princess without any worries or stress? But have you ever given me a chance?"

This is the first time Camille said the thoughts she was holding in her heart, in fact she didn't care anymore, otherwise she wouldn't have just blurted them out.

But Brody always believed that they were right to be parents, the fault was that Camille did not listen, not to mention the Armstrongs in the eyes.

But no matter what he said, it was like a hammer hitting soft cotton with no response, so he finally just stared at her and said, "Camille, do you think you can have a place in the Simpson family without the Armstrong family?"

After saying that, Brody a face filled with anger, then threw his hands away.

The argument between Camille and Brody naturally reached the rest of the company, and when Brody left, Yessica came in right after: "Ms. Armstrong, are you okay?"

Camille gave a light smile: "It's fine, go ahead, don't worry about me."

Yessica hmmed and then exited the office closing the door behind her.

Camille sat in her office chair, in a somewhat indescribable mood.

All along, she thought that her grandmother was willing to take care of her because of Page, after all, it was equivalent to sharing the stress for her own daughter, but now she realizes that this is not the case at all.


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