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My First Crush Happened To Be My Hubby! novel Chapter 36

D's PoV

As promised, Shakshi managed to get permission from my hubby to let me go to his friend's office. He is in our room and I'm now going in to thank him. I cleared my throat and he looked at me.

"um...Thank you for letting me to go to work. Will you um...talk to your friend for my job? I have 76% in my college. I didn’t have my final semester marks though." I told him.

"I will. Are you planning to work even after your sister leaves?" He asked me.

"um.... I don’t know. If you will let me and if I like the work, then I may."

"Ok, But promise me one thing."

"About What?" I asked clueless.

"You should be responsible. You should leave all your monkey business back at home. No naughtiness at the office. I will come regularly to see. If I happen to get any complaints on you, you are not going anywhere." he said.

What did he think about me? Am I a mentally retarded girl? Stupid.

I just nodded my head to him. 

"um...I need another help!" I told him.

"What now?" he asked bored. He is trying hard to make me feel that he is not interested in talking to me. But I know that this is all a facade. He hugs me in my sleep and only then he sleeps. He doesn't know that I was still awake when he turns me towards him and brings me in his hands before he sleeps.

"I don’t have any professional outfits. Can you take me shopping?"

"Pch! I am busy. Take the car and go. I will let the driver know."

"Um...no, I don’t know how to go alone. You are coming with me." I told him, more like an order.

"God, Are you even listening? Tomorrow is Tuesday. Not some weekend. I have work. Now go alone or take Ravi with you. Good night." he said and turned to the other side of the bed.

Cha, Time to implement Shakshi's idea. Mr. Arrogant, you are coming with me to go shopping tomorrow.

I sneakily went out to Shakshi's room.

Rishi's PoV

She is incredible. No one has ever raised their voice against me so far. Not even dad. But she just pushed me down and shouted in my face. I'm not angry, I'm amused. She has no fear. But she said she had no love before. That is the only thing I registered on my mind. I should have waited and listened to their full conversation on that day. I am so wrong to have spoken all rubbish to her. I wanted to apologize to her for what I did.

She also knew that I went out with Smirthi. So, that should be the reason for her protest by avoiding me. I wish I could tell her everything and make her my better half. I should start with an apology for yelling at her. I feel like I am always saying sorry to her. Huh.

She called me Rishi! She is so little, and she calls me by my name. I love her. I love everything about her. My heart flutters at everything she does.

After she went out, I got a call from Smirthi. Smirthi may or may not be after my money. But she is in need now. She needs me now. Not once did I ever feel she was faking the love she had for me in those years we were together. She had her reasons and I think they are reasonable. I still don’t believe the phone call Dhiwakar said. I had given her commitment. But I don’t love her. Never did. After the 2months time I can send her away. I must make sure she is fine.

When I came back from the office, Shakshi spoke to me about Daksha’s internship and Danya’s loneliness at home. That's true. She doesn’t have to do all the house chores. We have people come in to do them. But she is doing everything in this house to pass her time. Chinna told me once that she is doing almost half of the work including cooking, washing, laundry, gardening and even mopping. So, I decided to ask Karthik to make a job for her. I can take her to my office. But she will never let me do my work. She is truly a disturbance.

She thanked me for letting her go to work? What did she think of me? A male chauvinist? If she needs to work, I'm not going to stop her. She wants me to take her shopping? I would love to. But I really have a lot of work tomorrow.

As usual I cuddled with her in her sleep. She fits so perfectly in my hands!!! It’s like she is made to fit in my hands. I am growing on her.

When I was having my breakfast, she came gliding down the stairs all ready to go out. 

What the hell? She is so not going out in those clothes. She was wearing a black crop top and a skirt that was barely reaching her knees.

She is a perfect turn-on. I have never seen her in a modern outfit. She is so fucking sexy! How can she be sexy and cute at the same time?!

I went towards her, took her hand and pushed her into our room again.


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