My Hunted Mate

Chapter Thirty Six


Panic floods me as I try to shift again, my bones begin to break and reshape momentarily before snapping back into place, I let out a whimper of pain, followed by a growl of frustration.

Kai's eyes are filled with worry as he watches me trying to shift for the sixth time, but again I'm unable to. " Cori? What's going on? " he asks, his brows furrowed.

" I.. I don't know. " I mumble. " I can't shift, why can't I shift? This has never happened before. "

" Maybe it's the grief? " He suggests.

I shake my head. " No, it.. It couldn't be, I've lost a lot of people, felt unimaginable grief and this has never happened to me. "

The frustration getting to me, I rake my fingers through my hair, giving it a tug. Kai moves toward me, taking a gentle hold of my wrist to pull my hand away from my head. He then cups my cheeks, my eyes snap to his.

" Hey.. It's alright, we'll figure this out. What can I do? " He questions.

" I.. " I pause for a moment, letting out a sigh. " I don't know, but I think I'm going to have to visit a friend. "

" Who? " He starts to gather the clothing I'd tossed to the ground.

" Her name is Gia, she's human but mated to an alpha from a park nearby. " I inform him, taking the clothes from his hands to cover my body.

When I am dressed, we start making our way back to the house hand in hand. Eventually Kai speaks again. " If you have to visit a pack, I'll make the arrangements. I have agreements with any neighbouring packs, covens and clans to keep the peace, but I can't enter their lands unless they give permission. "

" I can go alone. " I tell him.

" No. I'm not letting you go when you can't turn into a wolf to protect yourself. " He argues.

Stopping in my track, I remove my hand from his waving it towards one of the many trees surrounding us. The tree's bark begins to crack until it breaks in half, leaving the tree to collapse to the forest floor, shaking the earth around us as it does.

" I'm far from defenceless Kai. " I raise an eyebrow at him, biting down on my lip to stop from laughing at his shocked expression.

He sighs. " Okay, you can protect yourself. Can you drive? "

" I- No. " I stare down at the ground beneath my bare feet.

When I look back up at him his shock is replaced with amusement and his head is tilted slightly to the right. " How long is this journey? "

" It took me three days.. " I mumble.

days when you were running, as a wolf? " His words sound more of a statement than a question, but a correct statement nonetheless. When

house. " Fine, you can come. " I grumble out

to join us on our trip and pack your bag. " He tells me, when I shoot him

pack your bags were taking a trip to a nearby pack. " I call out, my irritation causing me to sound quite rude, but I don't look back as

what's the name of the Alpha who's


Rivera? " He huffs out in

an eyebrow, I turn to look back at him. " Not a

lower lip into his

planning to hand me over to Cain. "

" He was going to have you

only reason I'm here right now. "

why the hell are we going to his pack? " Kai hisses, taking hold of

only option, wolves aren't exactly a huge fan of me. Actually they're usually the most likely to try to kill me for being an abomination. " I try to lace my


black chairs sit on the other side of the desk, to the left tall

draw to retrieve a file. He then takes a seat in the chair behind the desk, he pulls the typical office phone that is placed on the desk closer to him. He lifts the phone to his ear, motioning

phone between his ear and shoulder so he can hold his arms out to me. I move around the desk into his open arms, he drags me down until I'm perched on his lap, one of his hands takes the phone again while the other takes a hold of my

Olive's voice echoes through Kai's car from the back seat, where she sits with Mateo. " You've decided that we're all going to visit this Alpha Jack's pack, even though he could possibly just make a call your uncle and let him know where

Yes. " I answer with a shrug of my

from making said call? " Olive

takes his hand off the wheel

word of this alpha, which could mean nothing and only five of us to help protect

aware of the risk. " I

Then why the hell are we doing this?! " She cries out, throwing

brave girl be. " Mateo groans out, obviously sick of Olive's dramatic teenage ways after being stuck in the car with

get why we've to go to this pack for the answer to that.

who can give me that answer, is a pack healer, that's why. " I tell her, for the third time

should have out Olive in Phoenix's car. " Kai

Hey! " Olive

since we pulled out of the grounds

argue about travelling

can use the restroom, Phoenix's truck, that had been following behind us, pulls in next to us. " What food do you want? "

Oh maybe some snacks too? " I answer, sending him a smile as I look for a sign for

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