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My Love My Hatred (Jennie and Lance) novel Chapter 86

Chapter 86 Not My Father’s Child 

Grandma nodded her head. “Yea, if you were his child, how could your grandpa and I rejected you and let you follow that mother of yours? We were always afraid that you would turn out like her.”

I couldn’t really digest the fact.

I confirmed once again, “I really isn’t father’s child? You’re not kidding me, right?”

How could this be? I couldn’t believe it, then why did father love me so much and cared for me so much? If he wasn’t my biological father, how was he able to love me like his own blood and flesh?

“Jennie, this is also one of the reasons why me and grandpa wasn’t able to accept you. We only have a son, and then it turns out that you’re not his daughter. How do you expect us to accept you? You have to understand, Jennie.”

My mind exploded into million pieces. If I wasn’t from the Gomez, family, then which family am I really from? Who is my real father?

“Then, who is my real father?” I asked emptily.

Grandma’s eyes were full of sorrow. “You have to ask your mother, perhaps she doesn’t even know who your father is.”

I got even more confused. “What do you mean by that?”

Grandma sighed and started to speak in a low voice, “Somethings were actually not meant for us to tell you, it was meant for you to find out yourself. But then if I don’t tell you, you would ask your mom too. Then I shall just tell you, just pretend that you didn’t hear anything from me and go on with your life alright?”

I nodded my head.

Grandma said, “Your father brought your mother back after a a year of working in the city. Your mother, to be honest, is the most beautiful woman I have ever met in my life. Your father loved her a lot, but we all could see that your mother didn’t even care for him. After not long, your mother gave birth to you. I forced my only son to tell me the truth. It turns out that they never even slept together. Honestly, me and your grandpa knew what kind of job your mother did when she was young……. so, if you ask her, she might not know who your real father is.”

Father, father loved me unconditionally even if I wasn’t his child, plus he knew.

I never expected myself to be the child of a whore and a client. I was grossed out by myself. The father I love so much isn’t my real father, why did he raise a bastard child?  Not My Father’s Child


Grandma patted the back of my head and said, After you were brought away by your mom, we were always worried that you would become like her. But at least you still came

I remained silent for a long time. Grandma looked at me with disappointment on her face, “Jennie, don’t tell me you are like your mother now.” 

| quickly shook my head and lied, “No, …… I just can’t really digest the fact about my own background. Grandma, I’m tired, can you leave me for now?”


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