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My Mirror Image by Maybe Not (Candice And Alex’s) novel Chapter 31

Chapter 0031 

Candice’s heart skipped a beat as she instinctively looked at Alex. He didn’t answer immediately but instead stared blankly at Candice 

Having known Alex for a long time, Candice easily Interpreted his silent gaze. She realized he was waiting for her to voluntarily explain

Joe, with a frown, shifts his attention to Candice, asking, Candy?” 

Candice’s fingemails dog into her palm

Facing Alex, she then averted her eyes and softly explained to Joe, It’s a matter from before.” 

Relaxing her clenched hand, she moved to grab her luggage and said, I drop you off at the nursing house.” 

However, before she could grasp the sulicase handle, Alex quickly stepped in to take it

He lifted the luggage and looked at the two. He volunteered. Til bring it down for you” 

From behind, Sonia’s sweet voice addressed him, Lex, well head back to the ward and wait for you.” 

Next, she politely bid Candice’s grandfather goodbye and said, Mr. Sundance, thank you. Get well soon,” 

When the elevator arrived in the lobby, Candice paused and said, This is far enough.” 

After that, she attempted to take the suitcase from Alex, preparing to leave the hospital

Before Alex could respond. Joe said, Lex, I’d like a word with you.” 

Candice’s brows were slightly furrowed in concem. She was considering an excuse to prevent the two from having that talk when Alex’s phone suddenly rang

Standing close to him, Candice noticed Sonia’s name on the caller ID and quickly looked away

Alex did not hide it from them and answered the call right there

Candice could not hear what Sonia was saying on the other end of the phone, but she did catch Alex’s brief grunt before he hung up

His face betrayed no emotion, yet he nodded towards them, excusing himself, Sorry, I have something to attend to.” 

He apologized verbally, but his demeanor had said it all

Candice dipped her head and quietly took the luggage from him

They had all descended from an upper floor In the elevator, which had briefly stopped midway. In the short span of a few minutes. Sonia already needed him for something

Candice, lugging the suitcase, assisted her grandfather as they slowly made their way to the parking area

Her grandfather maintained a solemn expression, his brows furrowed throughout the journey

It was only after Candice dropped him off at the nursing home that he finally voiced his concerns

Candy, what’s really happening between you two?” 

Nothing.Candice replied, momentarily halling her task of organizing his medications. She casually continued. Perhaps we’re just not right for each other. I didn’t tell you because I didn’t want to cause you any worry.” 

Her eyelashes fluttered slightly as she pondered whether this explanation was more for hersell or for others. Gradually, she concluded it 

might be true

They just might be incompatible

Recently, a photo circulated among Aether Corporation’s employees, showing Alex pushing Sonia’s father’s wheelchair at Silverstone Hospital 

An employee who had been there for a checkup coincidentally came across them

The staff were not used to witnessing their president’s friendly demeanor, and they could not help but sigh emotionally

+15 BONUS 

Candice, having seen the same photograph, remained largely unaffected


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