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My Most Precious Human novel Chapter 35

I panted heavily and my head was spinning. It took me a few seconds to comprehend my situation. Sariel kept looking straight into my eyes while stroking my hands with his long fingertips.

"You did well," he whispered and smirked.

He stood up, letting go of my hands. He certainly looked pleased while I stayed to wonder what had exactly happened. I looked around the courtroom. Almost half of the council members had their mouths open in a deep state of shock. The other half was calling out outraged statements towards the Adragnas. I looked at the defendants. I saw them restrained by the guards, writhing in a rage and sending me murderous glares.

"It's a trick! It's a mind trick! Duke Calvet made her say it or she made it up herself!" the ex-Marquess yelled, foaming at his mouth.

"W-what is going on?" I nervously grabbed Sariel by the edge of his sleeve.

"You said everything you recalled out loud," he said, shrugging as if it was a completely normal thing to do.

"I did… what?" I mumbled, still processing.

"The Marquess raised an important issue. How can we be certain that the whole testimony wasn't prepared in advance? Not to mention that we don't know who the other man from the conversation was!" Judge Connor called out while sending me a look of disdain.

Sariel chuckled as if the judge had said the exact words he wanted him to say.

"Shall we meet him then?" he asked, his face maliciously grinning.

"M-meet who?" Judge Connor muttered as if he had forgotten his previous words.

"The negotiator from Randall D'Apolito's pack, Brian Myers," Sariel announced loudly and snapped his fingers.

On his sign, the door opened, and Mr. Gotha walked in with another man in shackles. I gasped, seeing the same blonde-haired man I saw while recalling the night of the auction. Loud comments arose as Mr. Gotha dragged the prisoner in front of the judges' lodge. Henri Adragna enragedly gritted his teeth. It seemed obvious that he knew exactly who that man was.

Brian Myers didn't seem like he was tortured. There was no serious bruising on his body, and yet he was trembling in fear. I had never seen a werewolf terrified of anything, and this man seemed completely broken. He resembled a weak human. Was he really a werewolf? I tried to sniff his scent, but I felt almost nothing, except for his fearful sweat.

"Introduce yourself!" Mr. Gotha roared at the blonde-haired man.

"I'm… B-Brian Myers… from… from the Southern Woods Pack…" he mumbled.

"Who is your Alpha?" Sariel questioned.

He flinched at the sound of his voice. He acted like a mere coward. I had never met a wolf so stripped of his dignity.

"R-Randall D'Apolito," he mumbled.

His confession stirred up agitated murmurs. A smirk of satisfaction kept growing on Sariel's face.

"He smells nothing like a dog! Can we really trust Duke Calvet's words?! For me, it looks like he brought another dirty human in front of our Great Council!" Judge Connor spit venom while trying to sound like a righteous preacher.

I guessed vampires couldn't smell him exactly like I couldn't. I gazed at Sariel, but his expression was even more confident than before.

"I suppose you've never heard of odorless werewolves?" Sariel sneered, "Among the wolves, there is a special mutation that appears in less than one percent of the werewolf population. Their scents are almost undetectable. Since the vampire senses are highly sensitive, they use simple herbs, and that is all they need to do to hide their existence. That makes those with a mutation perfect to become spies," he explained.

I looked at this blonde wolf. I would have expected him to roar and struggle, trying to break his chains, but he stood still while feverishly glancing at Mr. Gotha and Sariel, as if he was begging them for mercy. What kind of torture made him like this?

"Was this the man you saw in the flashes of your memory?" Sariel asked me, pointing at the prisoner.

"Yes. He was the one negotiating with Thomas Dorwart," I said, looking Brian up and down.

As soon as I opened my mouth, that weak wolf snapped. He jumped up, pulling out his claws, ready to charge my way.

"Traitor!" He spat viciously in my direction, "How can you betray your- "

Mr. Gotha punched him in the face, knocking him out onto the floor before he could finish his words. My heart almost burst out of my chest. I could not express, how grateful I was to Sariel's aid for doing it. The last thing I wanted was to let all of those vampires know that I was the daughter of that man's Alpha. Nonetheless, I cautiously looked around, making sure that no one would like to ask what the prisoner meant. Fortunately, they couldn't care less about the werewolf’s uproar. I heaved a sigh of relief.

"There's still an issue with our precious witness's truthfulness. A call for the leading judge to check it herself." Duke Orseolo smiled coldly.

I gulped. I had already seen what the process of checking looked like, and I genuinely didn't want my head to be put in the main judge's hands. Her mojo clearly worked like an electroshock device!

"What if she fries my brain?!" I panicked inside my head.

I gazed pleadingly at Sariel, but he didn't share an ounce of my anxieties.

"Fine. Your Honor may see for herself if the witness is lying or not," he said indifferently.

I flinched at Sariel's words.

"No… He was supposed to protect me… It can't be true, can it?" My thoughts went hectic.


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