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My Most Precious Human novel Chapter 75

Sariel held my hand the entire time while we were on our way back to the castle. He stayed silent and seemed to be deep in thoughts. I smiled at him every time our eyes met, and then he briefly smiled back at me, but I could see his mind was elsewhere. I felt that something was bothering him, something he was keeping from me. I began to wonder what he and the Princess talked about in private. I had a feeling that whatever happened between them in private made was the reason for Sariel's current restlessness.

“If I may… Master…” Leo started hesitantly, “Count Desai will probably visit the castle shortly, demanding an explanation for his eldest son's death.”

“I'm aware of that,” Sariel sighed, his frowning face showing concern, “Faris Desai is an intelligent man. He will understand why his son had to be punished.”

“I will prepare everything to receive him well,” Leo claimed.

I glanced at Sariel worryingly, “I've caused trouble for you. I should have kept my mouth-“

“You did nothing wrong. On the contrary, your presence helped me a lot, and everything that happened was beneficial to me in political terms,” he said with a lopsided smile.

“You fought because of me…” I muttered, “You could have got hurt…”

Sariel chuckled, “None of the noble vampires I know could ever be my match…” he leaned over and whispered to my ear, “and thanks to your blood, I become stronger each day.”

“But Aryan Desai tasted my blood as well… I was scared that-“

Sariel interrupted me with a kiss. He grabbed the back of my head, making sure I wouldn't escape his lips, and let me sink in passion. When he stopped, allowing me to catch my breath, he gazed at me intensively.

“Don't ever mention other men in front of me,” he stated strongly, “and if anyone else ever tries to taste a drop of your blood, he will lose his head, just like that bastard.”

My stupid fluttering heart forced my lips to form a shy smile. Sariel's possessiveness only increased my heartbeat, proving that I enjoyed his jealousy. I wasn't sure when it had happened, but I realized I could give up on my freedom if he decided to lock me in his arms for eternity.

Once we arrived at the castle, Sariel got me out of the car and hurriedly went inside, pulling me behind him. I didn't resist, I only tried to keep up with his pace as he led me to his bedroom. He pushed me inside and then locked the door behind us.

His eyes were filled with desire as he approached me. He looked me up and down, then turned me around and slowly unzipped my dress. His fingers grazed the naked skin around my spine, making me shiver. Once my dress fell on the floor, he unfastened my bra and slipped down my panties.

"Turn around," he commanded.

Although he had seen me naked, I was still embarrassed. The room was fully lit, and it felt different from lying in bed when I could cover myself in sheets. My heart was pounding chaotically, but I mustered my courage and slowly turned to face him. I looked at him, fighting my awkwardness. He smirked, his eyes enjoying each part of my body. He dropped his soaked-in-blood jacket onto the floor.


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