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MY ONE AND ONLY LOVE novel Chapter 101

Sarah was sleeping on the bed holding her stomach.

David open the door.

she opens her eyes and she remembers what happened earlier.

she panic as she looks at her tummy.

Sarah" David our baby please tell me it alright.

David hug her and wipe her tears.

David" your ok nothing happened to you all the babies!

Sarah" ammmh the babies???

David" yes we're having twins!!!!


David" thank you very much my wife.

from now on I will be the one checking you're meals.

Sarah" what did the doctor says?

David" everything is fine you have to eat proper meals.

Sarah"I was very scired I didn't want to lose our baby!

David" I was also scared when I saw you in pain.

Sarah" were ok now !

when can I leave this place?

David" in the evening the doctor wants to keep you here for awhile.

Sarah" hubby please let go home I don't like hospital!

David" I will see what I can do.

Lizzy went to the room to see her daughter and she was relieved to know she is okay.

as a mother she felt the pain when she had Sarah screaming.

Lizzy" honey don't ever scares me like that.

mom am fine and you're grandchildren are ok as well.

David" mom she is fine please come down.

Lizzy" am fine son don't worry.

the least of family came inside.

Emma push David away as she hugged Sarah with all her strength.

Emma" capcake do you know how scared I was .

I thought something happened to you.

I was ready to beat Michael If something had happened to you?

Sarah" awwww my strong sister am fine now thank you for your love .

your cookies are doing fine.

I just eat something that was not good and they didn't like so that why I felt pain.

Emma" hi my lovely cookies please go easy on my cupcake.

don't scares us like this!!

everyone laughed at her cutie talk.

Michael hugged Sarah.


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