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MY ONE AND ONLY LOVE novel Chapter 12

Sarah POV

I woke up on something soft and silky. An arm lapped around my waist. I let my eyes trail down to see what I was lying on. It's someone's bed. I looked down and I found myself with the same clothing I was wearing when I went to the club.

I tried to remember what happened yesterday. I couldn't find Emma. After that I didn't remember anything else. I freaked out. I turned my head around and I couldn't imagine what I saw. Oh my god, it's him, rude man!!! Mr. Benson!!!

"what am I doing in his bed? what happened last night? why can't I remember something?" I closed my eyes and opened again. Oh my god, I was not dreaming. I wanted to scream but I stared at his sleeping face. It must be lie if I said he didn't look so adorable sexy. He was like Greek god with a devilish personality. I smiled while tracing my finger from his nose, down to his smooth lips carefully.

"It's mesmerized baby girl??" His deep and husky voice made me look up at him, he was smirking while looking down to me. I blushed and turned around of embarrassed what would he thought about me. Oh my god, I am so scared, he turned me around.

"I am very sorry." I said nervously and waited for him to yell at me but he did something I was not expecting him to do.

He placed his lips on mine and kissed me deep waking me up completely. I opened my eyes wide open in shock, he pulled away and I looked at him and he was very handsome, his hair is so nice, I wanted to touch him but I am scared what if he got angry and shout at me like last time, what do I do?

"Good morning kitten."

"Good morning Mr. Benson."

"Please call me David." he said to me.

"I was wondering how I got here in your house." I said to him and he smirked again.

"You don't remember anything do you???"


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