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My Paranoid Lover (Lance Mason) novel Chapter 120

Chapter 120 DNA Test

I was suspicious, part of me believed him, but part of me didn’t.

“Hmph, seems like you are just like your mother! At least she accepted you as her daughter, you don’t even want to accept your own daughter, are you even human?!”

Lance asked me if I was human, funny. “Ha……you’re a human, so why wouldn’t I be? You showed me a baby and tell me she’s mine, are you trying to fool me? Didn’t you know I lost my child on the 7th month? How can a child survive if born so early?!”

I bled so much that time, and I heard the doctor said that the baby was


How could he expect me to believe

Lance released my chin and took a few steps back, his looked extremely disappointed. He stared at me with very sorrow eyes and said in a hoarse voice, “I never expected you to be such a cold blooded woman.”

Then he laughed at himself and added, “Yea, I forgot you even aborted a 4 months old baby….why did I even expect you to like Lexi?”

I didn’t know what Lance was planning, but what if, just what if the child is mine?

Although I never wanted a child with him, but since she’s already born, 1 couldn’t ignore her. I don’t want to be like my mom.

“I want to do a DNA test, if she’s mine, I’ll accept her. This isn’t too much to ask I believe.”

Lance glared at me, “You don’t believe me?”

“It’s not that I don’t believe you, it’s just that it’s very hard for me to believe something you say, if she’s really my child, there’s nothing wrong with a DNA test right?”

I just finished my sentence, and the next thing I knew was a chair flying across my face, just right beside me. It hit the wall.

I was so shocked that I jumped.



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