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My Revenge Life, Fatty to Sexy novel Chapter 259

Instantly awake, he turned on the light and glanced at the time.

It's ten o'clock.

"Yes! Mr. Mason!" Tom nodded respectfully, and then, with a heart full of resentment, he went straight out of bed.

After Noah drove the car out of the villa, he went straight to some bars, and hotels, where Jocelyn often went, looking for her.

As he drove the car, Noah couldn't help but start laughing at himself. Ever since he was young, he had never been so crazy about anyone or anything, let alone wandering around the streets like a headless fly.

Now he is really like a love-struck brat, who will do anything for the girl he likes.

The sky was drizzling with rain.

Under the drizzle, the black Honda continued to make its way through the city.

At Paige's house, Jocelyn was still tossing and turning in annoyance, unable to sleep.

To make herself comfortable, she buried her whole body deeper under the covers.

It was a sleepless night after all.

The possibilities of what Paige said kept flashing through her mind.

The doorbell rang.

The sudden voice pierced through the darkness and fell directly into her ears.

Who is it this early in the morning?

Could it be him?

Paige was cooking in the kitchen when she heard the noise and went to see there the peephole.

Outside the door stood Noah.

He looked as if he was tired and seemed to have been up all night.

When she saw that it was Noah standing outside the door, a flash of consternation passed through her eyes.

How did he find his way here?

She had clearly told him that Jocelyn was not here.

Paige opened the door straight away and looked at his face with a displeased expression, "Why are you here?"

"I want to see Jocelyn."

"She ...... she's not here." She remembered Jocelyn's instructions clearly and she didn't want to see him now.

But Noah didn't say anything, he just stepped into the door, and went from room to room, looking for her.

Eventually, he saw Jocelyn.

The unease in his heart instantly returned to calm, and the panic in his eyes disappeared.

Seeing him, Jocelyn's face instantly went cold, "What are you doing here?"

"I've come to give you an explanation." He closed the door directly behind him and went to sit beside her, "I actually knew you were here early in the morning, but waited down here all night for fear you would disturb your rest."

He knew she was here at one o'clock, and then went downstairs in spite of himself. Before he was ready to go upstairs, he saw that the lights were out in the house, and fearing that she had fallen asleep, he did not dare to disturb her.

Just like that, he sat in the car downstairs, all night.

At those words, Jocelyn's heart suddenly softened, her heart mixed with various feelings.

She knew he was a liar and not at all to be trusted, but the exhaustion on his face was real, and the red blood under his eyes, too.

For a moment, she could not bear to throw him out.


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