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My Surprise Mate (Book 1+ 2) novel Chapter 2

"Try to get some rest, princess.No telling what is in store for us," Blaze whispered.

I had no idea how he was able to stay so calm.I was a complete mess, or at least I felt like it.I curled up on the cold floor next to his feet and closed my eyes.

"Blaze?" I whispered, "Yeah."

"Do you think we will be able to make it until Dad finds us?"

"Yes.We will be fine, but Kyra, I plan on getting you out before then.Just be strong for me."

His voice held nothing but confidence when he spoke, faith I wish I could say I had.

This whole ordeal has shown me that I wouldn’t be a good alpha.

As soon as I get home, if I get home, the first thing I am going to do is make sure dad knows that Zane needs to take his place.

Zane might be my little brother, but he acts more like my big brother.He is mature and responsible, caring, and a great leader.

Zane is so much like dad, and I know he would have been able to stay calm and confident if he were in this situation.He would know what to do.

I woke to the cell door slamming against the wall and Blaze growling slowly.

"Rise and shine, princess!" Devin shouted as he banged the bars on the door he had just flung open.

This time, I stood up more easily, "Hmm, looks like the wolfsbane is wearing off; that’s good for you.You should be able to shift then.Unfortunately, it isn’t good for your little boyfriend here.We don’t want him getting his positioned myself in front of Blaze, who was still chained like a wild animal.”

"Kyra, move.I’ll be fine."

I ignored Blaze’s pleading voice behind me.I won’t let them fight him unless it is a fair fight.

"If you want me to work for you when I shift, then I suggest you stop trying to hurt Blaze." I surprised myself with the amount of confidence my words held.

Devin laughed as he looked at Trey, "I beg to differ.I think that seeing your little boyfriend suffer will make you want to help more.You know to keep him safe and all, and since I’m the one calling the shots, we will do it my way."

Devin reached his dirty hand out to grab my arm, but thankfully, years of training instinctively kicked in.I kicked my leg up, landing my foot square in his chest and knocking him back.I didn't move from my place in front of Blaze, who was now yanking at his chains, trying to get free.

Devin was still surprised by my attack, and I took the opportunity to lunge at him, kicking his feet out from under him, causing him to land hard on his back.

"Kyra!" Blaze yelled.

I ducked as Trey attempted to hit me from behind.


I heard Blaze shout, "stop going after the women in your family and fight a man, you piece of s**t!"

I knew what Blaze was doing; he was trying to draw attention to himself.He was trying to help me when he was the one strung up by chains.

Devin growled as he got back on his feet, "Don’t touch her..." he warned Trey.

"Yeah, puppet, don’t touch me," I snarled at him as he lifted his hands and backed away.

For a moment, I was relieved that left Blaze open to an attack, and I saw it in Devin’s eyes the moment he realized it too.

A silver glint caught my eyes as Devin pulled something out of his pocket.I jumped at him without hesitation; I had to protect Blaze.

Searing pain ripped through my body as I felt the knife slice down my arm.

The pain only lasted a few seconds and then did nothing but fuel the fury that was raging inside of me.

"Piece of s**t!" I yelled as I spun, kicking him in the jaw. I mentally thanked grandpa pollo for that move.

Devin stumbled but didn’t fall.

"Looks like my dear old dad has been training with you,"he said before spitting blood out onto the floor.

"Oh yeah, Grandpa Pollo has taught me many things.Did I forget to mention that to you?"


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