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My Surprise Mate (Book 1+ 2) novel Chapter 29

Dane easily caught up with me and began running beside me, “Babe, follow me. I believe your shifting is starting.”

He ran ahead of me, not giving me time to respond to him.

My mind whirled with questions; I’m not supposed to shift yet.

I followed Dane as emotions flooded my senses.

As we ran through the tree line and into the woods, pain shot through me once again, bringing me to my knees.

This time stronger than the first.

All could do was cry out in agony.

Never in my life had I felt this kind of pain, not even when I gave birth to Kyra.

“Babe I’m right here.”

I heard Dane as he kneeled beside me.

One hand gently started brushing my hair back as he looked down at me.

“I know it hurts, but don’t fight it.

It will be over soon.

Focus on me and try to take deep breaths.”

I did as he said.

Focusing on the beautiful caring man beside me.

How his eyes showed his emotions—the love he felt for me clear.

How I always felt mesmerized when I saw the silver swirling and mixing with the sky blue.

His hair was now ruffled from running and he always seemed calm when I wasn't.

Just like now...1 felt as though a storm larger than life was hitting me head-on and I was struggling to even breathe.

But here he was...calm and collected...holding it together to help me.

No trace of fear or worry to be seen.

I felt myself begin to relax the more I focused on him.

I took in his full lips and how they felt perfect when they melded with mine.

My bones began snapping, causing me to scream out.

“It’s okay babe.

I’ll be right here.”

Dane pulled away from me and I saw him standing to the side as my body continued to morph.

I could no longer scream.

I felt like I couldn't get enough air in my lungs.

finally began to breathe evenly again.

I was scared to move; afraid it would trigger the pain again, so I lay as still as I could.

After several minutes, I slowly opened my eyes.

Everything looked so clear and vivid.

Even in the dark shadows of the trees, I could see clearly.

I finally saw Dane.

His shocked expression caused panic to begin to rise in me.

“You are absolutely stunning.”

He finally spoke, his eyes shining with pride.

Looking down, I realized I wasn’t me...well I was, but I had successfully shifted.

From what I could see, I was covered in shiny pitch-black fur.

I looked at Dane as I tried to stand.

Though I felt strange in this form, I managed just fine.

Dane began shedding his clothes as I watched in wonder.

Before I knew it, he had shifted as well, leaving a huge light grey wolf in his place.

The tips of his ears were the same pitch black as my fur.

His normal sky-blue eyes were now shining a bright silver.

He slowly walked over to me, sniffing as he circled me.

He bowed his head as he made his way back in front of me, My Luna.

I was shocked to hear him speak.

He slowly began circling me again, rubbing his body against mine as he moved.

He nudged me playfully with his nose before turning and running off.

I followed him, catching up with him without any problem.

We ran side by side for what seemed like hours.

I felt free.

The wind blew gently through my fur as we ran.

/ will race you home, my queen.

As soon as I heard his voice, Dane took off, sprinting back toward our house.

I didn’t want to lose...well, I didn’t want to lose badly, so I pushed myself to catch up to him.

I quickly realized I was catching up with him fast.

The sound of our paws hitting the ground seemed to echo around us.

With the house coming into view, I pushed myself harder, running past Dane with more speed than I knew I was capable of.

I reached the front porch just moments before Dane.


But I couldn’t help but wonder why I shifted today? It wasn’t supposed to happen yet.

Dane trotted up to me, nudging me playfully with his nose before shifting and standing in front of me.

That’s when it hit me...I had no idea how to shift back and I wasn’t sure how to mind-link with anyone yet.


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