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My Surprise Mate (Book 1+ 2) novel Chapter 61

Blaze POV:

Kyra’s steps slowed before she whispered; she didn’t feel so good.

As soon as the words left her mouth, she blacked out.I caught her before she hit the ground, panic coursing through my veins.

With Kyra in my arms, I began running as fast as I could to the pack hospital.

Mind-linking the doctor to let him know what happened.

As I neared the building, I saw Dr.Hazel waiting for us, her normal soft brown eyes filled with worry.

"This way," she turned, leading me down the long hall into a private room at the end.

"Lay her down here."

I didn’t want to let her go, a wave of fear rushing over me, something I wasn’t used to.I reluctantly laid her down, keeping my hand wrapped tightly with her smaller one.

Dr.Hazel began checking her vitals while asking me questions.

"What was she doing when it happened?" Dr.Hazel questioned.

"We had just returned and were going to rest.She said she didn’t feel good and passed out," aggravation apparent in my voice.

I knew she was only trying to figure out what could have caused this, but I had already answered that question.

"Dr.Hazel, what can you tell us?" Alpha Zayd’s deep voice sounded through the room.

I had been so lost in my own world that I hadn’t noticed anyone else’s arrival.

Looking around the packed in.

"I have no answers yet, Alpha.Her vitals are all good right now.I will run some blood tests to ensure that it is all good too.I really don’t know what has happened.She is slightly dehydrated, so we will be giving her fluids ."

"Thank you,"

Luna Holly told her, giving her a small smile.We all knew Dr.Hazel well, our parents especially.

She was Gamma Colby’s mate and Gunner's mother.

He was in line to become Beta of the pack, though his dad was only Gamma.

Typically, I would have been next in line, but because I am mated to Kyra, that bumps him up.

My position.

..well, that’s undecided yet; it will depend on what Kyra chooses to do.

I watched silently as Dr.Hazel carefully drew blood from Kyra’s arm, my mind racing.

"Any word from Alpha Dane?" I questioned, never taking my eyes off my beautiful mate.

"Not yet, but I am sure he will be here soon with Devin," Luna Holly spoke softly.

I nodded, my anger rising at the mere mention of his name.

Everything was that bastard’s fault.

All I want to do is rip him limb from limb because of all the pain he has caused Kyra.

Everyone except for Luna Holly took leave or sat outside in the hallway.

"She will be okay," she whispered as she gently moved the hair from Kyra’s face.

I wasn’t sure if she was talking to herself or me, but then she looked at me, "She will be okay, Blaze.She’s strong.I’m sure she is just exhausted, but she will be okay; she has to be."

We had been sitting there for hours already, and Kyra was still not awake yet.Her blood test results were all average, and Dr.my seat next to her, needing to be close.

The fear I was feeling right now, watching over Kyra, was overwhelming.

I had never been scared, at least not until Devin had drugged and kidnapped us.

That was the first time, and then I wasn’t afraid of him, but I was scared for her...for Kyra.

Now, here I am again, terrified that I am losing her when I have only just got her.

Kyra POV:

I remember feeling weak and tired, telling Blaze I didn’t feel well, and then nothing.

Darkness took over.

I wasn’t scared, though...in fact, it was peaceful.I wasn’t feeling the rage I had been feeling lately.I felt normal again, like the old me. I took a deep breath and sighed as I released it, letting all of the stress that was weighing me down go with it.


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