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Mysterious CEO's Last Surrogate novel Chapter 49

Danica's heart rate increased, sounding in her ears as Loney walked closely behind her. Before she reached the door, he had gone ahead to open it for her. Danica should be flattered but she wasn't. Perhaps, Loney cared because of his baby which she carried in her womb. 

Beads of sweat began to form on her forehead when she heard the door close. She turned abruptly to a stony Loney.

"You have a very scheming way of dealing with me ha?" His tone was cold, a deep frown overrunning his features.

"I don't understand," Danica didn't hide her confusion. Her stomach tinged with grief.

"Starving yourself when you are carrying my child, don't ever try it again," Loney's groaned and beckoned to the sofa.

Danica ambled towards it and sat, tears lined her cheeks. "I'm sorry," she muttered. If Loney saw her tears, he didn't show any remorse.

He sat in front of her, his legs crossed, "you have five minutes. Tell me what you want to say," he groaned.

A billow of adrenaline cruised through Danica, recalling her sisters' words. If Loney has accepted her sister without listening to her even after all they shared, then it wasn't worth it. "I'd rather not because five minutes is too little," she calmly said, looking everywhere except meeting Loney's gaze.

Loney was taken aback. He didn't expect her to hit back. However, his amazement was in the way she did it so calmly, he couldn't take offence. Either way, since he had no intention of returning to the mansion after he left, he had nothing to lose.  "I will make it twenty then," he fastened his gaze on her. Danica felt uneasy. The effect he had on her was just enormous.

"Thank you," she mumbled. 

"She is my only family," she added. Her gaze clutched Loney's. Confusion clouded him.

"I mean Daniella." She muttered in clarification. 

"Mmm," Loney groaned, edging her to proceed.

"Since we were young, she always blamed me for taking the spotlight so I had to sacrifice my chances of going to college, for our parents to fulfil her dreams but she couldn't graduate. I loved cooking so I went to a culinary school." 

"Daniella disappeared after dropping out of college. We prayed and prayed that she would return but she only did after our parents died a few months ago," Danica paused, her eyes glassy. Loney's gaze softened but he didn't try to comfort her.

"She is my only family so I wanted us to be close but she didn't want that." She sharply brushed a tear from her cheek. "Then, she asked me to accompany her to the club and in return, she would come to church with me. I did and I woke up beside you." 

Loney's expression darkened. He recalled Carlos telling him that Danica was to be sent to a different room. She wasn't the girl they arranged for him so what would have happened if she had been sent to the right room?

"When I got home, she was angry at me and accused me of not caring for her. She said that she needed money to pay off some mafias she owed. It was a lot of money. We couldn't get it anywhere so she gave me the advertisement for surrogacy. I didn't want to do it but I wanted her to know that I loved her and would do anything to help her. That is why I accepted to be your surrogate. I never touched the money you sent. My phone, bank details are all with her because I did it for her"

Loney felt a lump in his throat. There was something about how Danica spoke. It made everything believable but Loney hid his expressions well. Danica continued to speak when she realized that Loney hadn't uttered a word. Neither could she read his expressions. As to whether or not he believed her, she couldn't tell. 

"So that is what happened. I never meant to lie to you but if I have to do it again to protect someone I love, I will." She wiped her tears swiftly with the back of her hand. Silence poured, it lingered a while. Loney's expression was unreadable.

"So, are you still lying to me?" He growled. 

"No," she expressed with shock, disheartened that Loney didn't believe her.

"Does it mean you don't love your sister anymore?" Loney asked, his gaze pinned on her like he was searching through her soul. 

"I still love her but I'm not God. I realized my mistake that I tried to play the role of God, taking her problems away so she would change but it didn't work. I might be naive, but I'm not God and neither am I an angel to be used to answer prayers. She has been using me because I choose not to care but now, all I can do is pray that she will change because I still love her so much. Perhaps, she is my cross. I'm sorry for not being the person you thought I was. My twenty minutes should be up now. Thanks for hearing me out."

She stood up to leave but felt a strong hand grab her wrist. If anyone could understand Danica better, it was Loney because he knew too well, that feeling of longingness to be with someone related by blood. It was something that almost drove him insane but he wasn't ready to admit it.  "I'll tell you when to go. Sit," he curtly said.

She sat back like an obedient child, as she wondered why he would make her stay. He didn't want to see her earlier and later gave her five minutes before mercifully making it twenty so what now? "So everything you said is the truth?" Loney creased his brow as he asked. He had mixed feelings.

"The whole truth. I understand that the two of you are getting back together and I am not telling you this to spoil her image before you. You asked for the truth and here it is." 

Loney frowned, thinking deeply about Danica's words. "Who said that?" His voice was deliberately lethal, Danica stuttered.

"She...she told me the two of you used to date and you want her back. You..you don't have to deny it, I can understand. Love ca-"

"Stop!" Loney growled, Danica's hair stood straight in fright as he spoke,

"Let me make one thing clear. The fact that I was obsessed with Daniella in the past, doesn't mean my brains have been cooked. I can't believe you still allow your sister to manipulate you," his last words spat disappointment.

Danica didn't know whether to laugh or cry but she chose neither. She pursed her lips from betraying her emotions, as Loney threw an unexpected question at her.

"So, who is Jones?" The question startled her but she instantly guessed what Daniella had done. She destroyed her to Loney and lied to her. The realization burned faster than fire.


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