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Mysterious CEO's Last Surrogate novel Chapter 69

"Please call Loney. He said he would be with me. He promised," Danica said amidst her painful contractions. Dr Jeff nodded, instantly putting a call through to Loney. "Danica is in the hospital," he said as soon as the line connected.

Loney pressed the brake instantly and the tyres screeched on the smooth asphalt. He was depressed and agitated when he lost connection with Danica. Probably, her phone must have gone off without her knowledge. Therefore, he had planned on finding Ray and forcing him to call his men to bring Danica to him or verify their location.

He should be excited right? But it felt strange. How did Danica get to the hospital? What if it was Daniella pretending? He couldn't keep his mind from thinking in that direction. However, his suspicions were buried when Dr Jeff continued. "She said you promised that you would be with her." A smile thinned Loney's lips just as a tear fell from his eyes. He knew it was Danica sending him the message. This was the promise he made to her last night. "I will be there soon," he uttered in deep breaths, instantly ending the call.

"Call Herty and tell her to go to the hospital. Danica is there," he hastily said, instantly stepping on the accelerator as he informed Paul about the latest development. Just as Loney felt earlier, Paul couldn't help asking. "I don't mean to scare you but are you sure it's her?"

"Yes, it's her," Loney abruptly said. Paul let out a thin smile, and nodded agreement, instantly calling Herty to pass the information. Then it dawned on him that Loney hadn't changed direction.

"Why are you headed in Ray's direction? We should be driving towards the hospital right?" 

Loney tightened his fists on the steering wheel, Paul's heart throbbed. He knew Loney was up to something. "I am just a few minutes away from Ray. He will regret ever getting his men to kidnap my woman. This ends today." Loney's expression was malignant, Paul could only hope that Loney wouldn't put him in the position to cover up a homicide.

Loney wasn't at peace. Danica was safe now but he thirsted for revenge. How dare anyone lay their filthy hands on his woman? His rage boiled, unquenchable like a volcano. According to the map, Ray was on the move. He sensed that Ray must be running away from someone or something and was determined to hunt him down.

He got to the hotel just as Ray was about to enter his car. As soon as his men saw Loney, they took off with the speed of lighting. It was a warning from the governor. Loney was untouchable. Ray didn't see any reason to run. He hasn't offended Loney in any way and was amazed when a force so strong hit his lower abdomen without warning, causing him to stagger and fall. 

Loney knelt, his thighs pinning Ray's huge frame. A blow landed on his face, followed by another before he could recover from the fall. Despite Loney being tall, his complete height when standing side by side Ray would only reach his shoulder. Aside from that, Ray was chubby therefore, he underestimated Loney. He knew the latter was powerful financially but he never expected such physical strength from someone like him.

Unknown to him, Loney had espied his size from afar and used speed to knock him unexpectedly to the ground. He also made sure to deform his jaw with another punch as he pinned him to the ground with his weight. Another punch was enough to disfigure Ray's nose. The punches were becoming too strong, Ray began tasting his blood. He presumed he would die of internal bleeding if he didn't defend himself therefore, he began blocking the punches with his arm as he yelled in defence,

"What is the fuck is this Loney, what did I do?" His back was on the floor as he gazed at Loney with wonder and turmoil.

"How dare you touch my woman?" Loney screeched, ready to release another punch, which Ray blocked as he tried to pull out his gun. Unfortunately, Paul beat him to it, pointing his revolver in his direction. Ray was taller and bigger. He was also strong and from the effect of drugs, he didn't feel much pain yet, he knew the punches were causing lots of damage to his nerves and tissues, which would be felt when the drug wears out but something poked deeper, as Loney's accusation hammered in his ears.

"Your woman? I haven't touched your woman," he said in retaliation, blocking Loney's punches as much as possible but it wasn't necessary anymore because Loney halted his hand in mid-air, Ray's words sinking deeper. He wasn't one to attack an innocent person. He only bites when attacked therefore, he rose to his feet. Ray seized the opportunity to do the same.

"You touched my pregnant woman Ray and you will die for it." This time, he wasn't aggressive. He seemed to doubt the accusation since Ray had denied it earlier. Loney wanted to confirm his involvement before going further.

However, Ray sprang in remembrance, the accusation settling in. "So it's you. Daniella said she wanted her sister's baby and boyfriend so I could do whatever I wanted with her sister. Most preferably, she wanted her dead but I had other plans."

Loney's mind began to process everything like a web, the bits and pieces coming together. "Daniella?" His voice was precarious. He knew Daniella hated her sister but never guessed it was so deep as to want her dead. He could just imagine how broken Danica would be if she heard that her sister was the brain behind everything.

"Yes," Ray confirmed.

"But she is pregnant," Loney muttered but Ray heard. "Why does she want the baby?" He asked dejectedly. A blend of anticipation, fear and agitation cruising through him, he didn't have the right words to say.

Chapter Sixty - Nine 1

Chapter Sixty - Nine 2


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