Nephilim and the Nun

Chapter 9: •Home•


When I opened my eyes, I was standing in the middle of my bedroom. The warmness of the house brought peace to me. I'd been away from the house since I traveled to Russia where I'd ended up falling into Gonzalez's trap. 

All lights in the house were off and I couldn't risk switching them on, just in case if my home was being monitored. In the darkness of the room, aided by my night vision, I stripped off the cassock and everything I had on, moving to the bathroom for a much-needed shower.

Stepping into the bathroom, I looked into the mirror to see my dirt covered face. My natural tanned skin was covered in dirt, making me appear dark-skinned. Although I'd cut my hair to a shorter length, it still looked unkempt. My beards were also overgrown, covering up my lips.

beards. After cutting them to a considerable length, I shaved them off. My fingers grazed the clean-shaven skin. I threaded my fingers through my hair. I needed a haircut but the current length wasn't so bad. It was resting at the nape of my neck. Exhaling in satisfaction, I

my body, rinsing away the soap lather. Once I felt squeaky clean, I stepped out, drying myself with a towel I'd gotten from

the need to have a good night's sleep. At the sight of my king-sized bed on entering the room, a yawn slipped from my lips. Forgoing clothes, I marched towards the bed and fell on

my eyes, the room was much lighter than it had been at night. Though the windows were locked with curtains down, it was easy to tell it was daytime. I closed my eyes, meaning to revel in the peace and quietness

the hunger, I got up from the bed and moved to my walk-in closet where I pulled on a pair of sweatpants. Thereafter, I left for the kitchen. The kitchen was the same way I'd left when I'd traveled to Russia. Except dust had settled on every surface.  I stood in the middle

that also needed cleaning. To say I was thoroughly exhausted was an understatement. Walking back into the kitchen, I opened the fridge to see a few foodstuffs that hadn't

of the house that served as my security system. Walking into my room, I got a remote from the drawer of the nightstand. The remote was used to open the compartment of the wall that housed the television. Pressing a single button, the wall opposite

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