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Never Late, Never Away (Vivian and Finnick) novel Chapter 25

Read online Never Late, Never Away free Chapter 25

Vivian was concerned that Fabian would be annoyed by her sudden departure from Q City, therefore she was surprised when all she heard from him was radio silence.

Soon, the weekend came.

That day, Vivian dressed herself in a wine-red gown that Finnick had prepared for her. She proceeded to put on a diamond necklace and a pair of high-heel shoes to her outfit before walking downstairs slowly.

Finnick had already been waiting for her downstairs, and the sound of her high-heels clicking against the wood of the stairs made him look up. His eyes widened the very next second.

Vivian was prettier than the average girl, but she was never the type to put much effort into dressing up. In fact, she was used to hiding her beauty rather than flaunting it.

As a result, she looked like a shimmering diamond in light makeup and the dress he picked out for her.

Vivian walked over to Finnick and stared at him, wondering why he was being so silent. “What’s wrong? Do I look weird?” she asked bashfully, running a hand through her hair.

That was the first time she wore something like that, and checking its price online did nothing to help with her anxiety.

“No, you don’t,” Finnick said, snapping out of his daze. “You look beautiful.”

Finnick was not one to be stingy with praises, particularly when the receiver was his wife.

Vivian froze.

Did he just praise me?

“Let’s go,” Finnick said, pushing himself to the car on his wheelchair with Vivian following close behind.

They picked a high-end restaurant for their gathering with Finnick’s family.

When they arrived at the restaurant, Vivian alighted from the car as Finnick held her hand. As they got onto the lift, Vivian’s anxiety suddenly mounted. “Finnick… Are your family members… Difficult people?”

“No,” Finnick said. He paused for a short while before continuing, “Though… I’d suggest that you get ready for it.”

Vivian froze for a moment. Before she could ask him what he meant, the lift door opened at their floor.

Vivian ran after him, and they soon arrived at the largest private room at the end of the corridor.

The moment they entered, Vivian noticed an old man sitting at the table. That’s his grandpa!


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