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Never Late, Never Away (Vivian and Finnick) novel Chapter 27

Read online Never Late, Never Away free Chapter 27


“What the hell are you doing?” Vivian screamed as the shock from seeing Finnick stand up was long forgotten.

Before she could finish her sentence, he had already ripped her dress into shreds.

Finnick rested his body against hers, encasing her in a wall of muscle and masculine dominance.

“Finnick! What…”

Vivian tried to say something, but was cut off abruptly when he pressed his lips against hers.

It was as though he was punishing her for everything she had done, and it was something she would never be able to escape from.


I don’t want this!

The events from two years ago popped into her mind, and the pain was so strong that it brought tears to her eyes.

Finnick noticed her tears and froze in shock.

He stopped what he was doing immediately and lowered his head. “Are you scared of me, Vivian?”

Instead of answering him, Vivian grabbed her exposed shoulders tightly and continued to weep.

It was as though someone had poured a bucket of ice-cold water over him, dousing the angry flame inside of him immediately.

He let go of her and stared at her pale, tear-streaked face in bewilderment. His heart throbbed painfully at the sight before him.


What the hell did I just do?

“Vivian…” he said, his voice much calmer now. He reached out to help her up, only for her to flinch away from him, as though he had electrocuted her.

Seeing how natural her reaction was, the flame within Finnick that had just been extinguished threatened to come back to life.

“Get some rest,” he said awkwardly before leaving the room.

After he left, Vivian continued to sit on the bed in a daze.

It’s been two years…

I thought I’ve gotten over it already, yet the memories of that incident keeps coming back whenever a man gets close to me…

She never saw Finnick again that night.

The next morning, Vivian took her own sweet time to go downstairs after waking up. To her surprise, Molly told her that Finnick took a midnight flight overseas for a business trip.



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