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Never Late, Never Away (Vivian and Finnick) novel Chapter 311

Never Late, Never Away Chapter 311

When Sarah and the others saw her, they quickly came over and inquired, “Vivian, is the baby alright?”

Vivian expression darkened as she replied, “The baby is gone.”

They assumed that Vivian had a miscarriage. After all, when Finnick helped Vivian apply for her emergency leave, everyone figured that something must have happened to her. Hence, they gave her a sympathetic look.

During lunchtime, everyone went out to eat. When Fabian came out of his office, he saw Vivian working on some documents alone.

“Vivian, how are you feeling?” Fabian asked after a long hesitation.

Vivian wasn’t bothered to look or even answer him.

Sensing the animosity, Fabian probed further.

“Vivian, do you know where Ashley is? And why Finnick has her locked up? Also, why did he attack my dad’s companies…”

Amidst Fabian’s incessant questions, Vivian snapped, “You should ask your dad yourself!”

Fabian was stunned as he tried to connect the dots. Does this have something to do with the baby?

He gave Mark a call immediately, “Dad, did you do something to Vivian’s baby?”

“So what if I did?” Mark replied with an exasperated tone.

Fabian was outraged. “But you promised not to harm Vivian!”

“She chose the wrong side by standing with Finnick!” Mark was already feeling irritated and Fabian’s call just made it worse. With that, he ended the call abruptly.

Fabian felt dismayed by his dad’s response.

He could feel the gulf between him and Vivian growing wider. Not only could they no longer be lovers, but they were also slowly turning into enemies.

Meanwhile, in the president’s office at Finnor Group.

Noah barged into the room with a distressed expression. He reported softly, “Mr. Norton, I’m sorry.”


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