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Never Late, Never Away (Vivian and Finnick) novel Chapter 389

Never Late, Never Away Chapter 389

“How could you still lie. I saw the videos online, I saw you push Evelyn with my eyes.” Rachel completely refused Vivian’s explanation. She dragged Vivian towards the hospital doors, saying, “You and I are going in there and you’re going to apologize to Evelyn! You will do so until she forgives you!”

“I won’t. I didn’t do anything wrong!” Vivian’s feet stood firmly. There was no way she was going to apologize to Evelyn.

“Why must you insist on pissing me off—” Rachel coughed and wheezed harder as she yanked on Vivian’s arm. “You will apologize to Evelyn today, no matter what!”

Seeing how Rachel was coughing badly, Vivian softened her stance, no longer resisting. She allowed her mother to drag her into Evelyn’s ward.

There, Benedict and Finnick watched over Evelyn who had her face wrapped in bandages and was lying on the hospital bed and resting.

As Rachel dragged Vivian into the room, Evelyn immediately sat upright. She asked, “Ms. Rachel, what are you doing here?”

“No, no. Don’t strain yourself!” Rachel rushed to support Evelyn, gently laying her down again. Upon looking at Evelyn’s heavily bandaged face, Rachel felt so sorry for her. “How are you feeling? Does it hurt?”

“I’m alright, Ms. Rachel.” Evelyn placed a hand on Rachel’s, saying, “It doesn’t hurt. Don’t worry about it.”

“How can it not hurt?” Tears rolled down Rachel’s face. “I’m so sorry Evelyn. This is all Vivian’s fault. I’ve already reprimanded her, so please don’t hold anything against her. She’s going to apologize now,” Rachel continued.

Rachel turned and barked at Vivian, “Hurry up and apologize to Evelyn!”

“Mom!” Seeing her own mother defended Evelyn, bitterness tightened in her chest. It made Vivian shout, “I didn’t push her! Her injury has nothing to do with me. Why don’t you believe me?”


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