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Nobilis of War novel Chapter 1169

Fiend King Archer was furious that a Defiant Master had escaped. If his superiors learned about this, they would kill him.

"Get out of my sight!"

As Sheila was his daughter, he couldn't kill her to vent his anger.

"Yes, Father." Sheila quickly kowtowed and then rose to leave.

"Wait!" The fiend king roared with such intensity that the terrified Sheila sprawled on the ground again.

"Lead them in a search for the Defiant Master. I want him found!"

"Yes, Father. What should we do if the human masters hinder us?" Sheila asked cautiously.

"When you find the Defiant Master, inform me immediately. I'll personally come there," the fiend king instructed.

Sheila's eyes widened, and shock was evident in her expression as she glanced at her father. After some hesitation, she said, "You will break the agreement if you step into human territory. I'm afraid that the human race will send masters here to..."


The fiend king snorted, and a powerful fiendish aura raced through his body.

"How dare you think that you can advise me? I know what I am doing. Now, get out!"

Terrified that she would infuriate her father further, Sheila retreated in a hurry.

On that day, all of the fiend king's generals headed toward Cloud Forest Sect.

The sky seemed to crumble under the overwhelming number of soldiers and generals in the fiend king's army.

A debate ensued in the Ancestral Land of the territory of the human race.

"Sir, Archer's subordinates are approaching for unknown reason. They're only thirty thousand kilometers away."

"Send someone to inform the ordinary cultivators nearby. They need to hide. There's nothing else to be done," a guard instructed.

"Well... I'm afraid that if they go on a rampage, they might threaten the Ancestral Land's safety."

"They are not powerful enough to wreak that kind of havoc. Just do as I say."

"Yes, sir."

A few inferior guards were soon sent to help evacuate the humans living within a radius of tens of thousands of kilometers. As for those outside this area, no action was taken.

However, the Ancestral Land's lack of action wasn't mirrored by the Blood Cloud Region. They did care about the humans in these parts!

There were nine regions and ten prefectures in human territory. Each area was incredibly vast and guarded by super-powerful masters.

Although Cloud Forest Sect was located at the Blood Cloud Region's perimeter, it was still an authentic sect in the Blood Cloud Region! Archer's men had, by now, started their search near Cloud Forest Sect. Since they were so bold, the Blood Cloud Region wouldn't take their breach lightly.

While the fiend king's generals searched for Darren, the Blood Cloud Region sent out a small group comprised of six guards.

The appearance of a strong and horrible aura from the sky woke Darren from his cultivation.

'What's happening?' Darren frowned and carefully probed the outside of the cave. He sensed several powerful fiends, and each was much stronger than the fiendish beast that the sect leader had killed before.

'Damn it! Are they searching for me?' Darren's heart sank at the thought.

He concealed his aura immediately so that they wouldn't discover him. Considering their overwhelming strength, he didn't dare to go out.

However, he also knew that he couldn't hide here forever. Since the fiends outnumbered him and they were significantly more powerful, they would find him soon.

After considering his options, Darren thought it would be prudent to ask that ascetic cultivator for help.

"Are you still here, sir?" Darren used his spiritual sense to send a message with the hope that someone inside would answer. But no one responded.

Unfortunately, his slightest movement allowed the fiends outside to notice him.

'Oh, my God. I underestimated them.' Darren panicked when he felt that the fiends were approaching.



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