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Not Again Mr Whitney novel Chapter 13

Mrs. Houston coughed and could finally utter a word.

“Why...why are you all here? What’s going on?”

Carrie said, “Mother, you don’t know anything? That bastard Calvin nearly killed you.”

“Who? Calvin?”

Mrs. Houston shook her head, “It wasn’t him. It was a ghost, a dark ghost. He was on top of me and I couldn’t breathe. I wanted to call somebody to save me and his tongue wrapped around my neck, trying to suffocate me. I thought I was going to die and then I didn’t know why the ghost started screaming. There were a lot of things stuck in his body and his tongue was cut off. Then I was finally saved.”

Rita stared at the toothpicks and thought about how Calvin was tearing something up and tried so hard to cut her grandma’s neck.

Was he trying to save her?

Carrie didn’t believe it, “Mother, you must be dreaming.”

But Mrs. Houston was quite sure, “It wasn’t a dream. I remembered it clearly. I was possessed. I also remembered that someone rushed here and saved me.”

Carrie didn’t know what to say this time. Was that loser really saving her?

Lewis didn’t have a clue either, “Mom, let me help you sit for a while.”

But Mrs. Houston’s whole body was stiff and she just couldn’t sit up. She was yelling that something was on her chest.

The doctor checked several times and didn’t know what to do.

Rita suddenly approached and grabbed the jade amulet hanging on Mrs. Houston’s neck.

“Rita, what are you doing? Vincent gave it to me. Why did you take it away from me?”

Mrs. Houston got upset and rolled over to take it back.

Everyone was astonished.

Carrie’s eyes were wide open and she said, “Mother, you’re sitting by yourself.”

Mrs. Houston realized what happened and said, “Yeah, why am I sitting? Oh, this is strange. My chest doesn’t feel weird anymore.”

Rita looked at the amulet and finally understood what was going on.

“Grandma, you wanna know the reason?”

“You know why?”

Rita showed her the amulet and said, “Do you remember what Calvin said about this amulet? He said it was deadly.”

Carrie gave Rita a look. She wanted her to stop taking Calvin’s side and upsetting Mrs. Houston.

Mrs. Houston wasn’t happy to hear that, “You bought that crap?”

“I didn’t believe him before. But now I do. Grandma, think about it. How many strange things have happened ever since you took the amulet?

Rita’s words got everyone thinking.

She was right. Ever since Mrs. Houston wore this amulet, the wooden chair fell apart, Vincent fell down and broke her leg and the alcohol caught on fire, which burned her back.

And now she was haunted by a ghost in her sleep.

All these weird things happened to her at the same time overnight. They had to believe her.

But Mrs. Houston still couldn’t believe that it was because of the amulet.

“All of these were just accidents. Maybe I was just having a nightmare!”

Rita was a bit mad that her grandma still refused to believe Calvin.

“Grandma, we’ve seen what happened. We all wronged Calvin.”

Carrie was feeling uncomfortable and she whispered, “No way. How did he know that?”

“Mom, grandma, we are wrong this time. This amulet is deadly. We can’t keep it.”

Then she tossed the amulet onto the ground and it was stained with a few drops of blood.

“Ahhhh...” The amulet started screaming and then it was getting quieter. At last, it was finally silent.

The jade amulet broke into pieces and didn’t shine like jade anymore.

Lewis picked one piece up and took a closer look at it. Then, he was terrified.

“It is not...not jade, it’s a bone.”


Everyone took a step back and flinched.

“Yes, it is the bone of a child...” Calvin said

Then he held onto the desk and got up.

“Are you...are you alright?” Rita asked. He had bled a lot and looked incredibly pale.


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