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Not Again Mr Whitney novel Chapter 3

“Calvin Whitney, I am Master Malandra. You and I are destined to meet here. Since you have seized my true self, you are my descendant now. I now shall pass the Book of the Malandra and the Yin-Yang Compass to you now and I hope that you can become the true heir to my heirloom. Remember, we, the Malandra, are all mighty men. If the sky crashes down on you, you crack up the sky; if the earth confines you, you crush the earth. Once you’re one of the Malandra, no one will dare to stand high above you.”

The voice was loud like an enormous bell, coming from the middle of nowhere. Just as Calvin was about to ask, several slits of light appeared and knocked him out.

It turned out that those slits of light were all information that flowed right into his mind.

Seeing that Calvin was lying on the ground painfully with his head in his hands, John was a little astonished, “Is he gonna blackmail me just because I wouldn’t lend him the money? Let’s just tell people that he was causing us trouble and tryna blackmail me.”

“Yeah, if we say that, the police can do nothing about it.”

Abruptly, Calvin screamed and ran straight outside.

The street was crowded with people and vehicles. He leaned on a tree and started gasping.

He looked into the sky and the lights were blinding. The warm sunlight shone on his face, bringing him back to the reality.

Did he just have an illusion?

The second he started thinking, his head began aching and some sentences with golden light were hovering in his inner mind.

And to his surprise, he could understand them all.

It was really the Book of the Malandra...

Was it real?

Which made him even more terrified was that the golden light in these letters rushed into his body and became a golden warm stream of energy, flowing throughout his body.

He instantly felt more powerful than ever before. He wasn’t dizzy at all and his mind was never so clear and peaceful.

It was magical.

He felt something warm in his hand. He opened it and saw a compass in his palm, which should be the Yin-Yang Compass. The Yin side of the compass was dark like dead water and the Yang side was bright like the sun.

The Yin-Yang Compass began twirling and the Yin and Yang sides started shining by turns, which was quite marvelous.

“What’s...What’s the use of this?” Calvin said to himself.

All of a sudden, a thought went through his inner mind and he could see his physical condition.

Skin trauma, multiple bruises, soft tissue contusion...

“What? Did I just become a doctor now?” Calvin said quietly. Suddenly his palm was burning and he felt like his whole body was on fire. A stream of energy went through his arms and then flowed throughout his body.

Calvin opened his arms like he was embracing the future. He stood on the street and shouted to the sky, “Hell yeah!”

The passers-by all stayed away from him, “What the hell is wrong with him?”

“Everyone is so stressed out these days. It’s shame that such a nice fellow has gone mad.”

Calvin heard them talking about him and got embarrassed. He looked down and went on his way.

But he was actually feeling rapturous.

No one could understand what he felt right now. Even though he didn’t take off his clothes and checked closely, he could sense that all the bruises on his body were gone and he was not in pain anymore.

Great! If the Yin-Yang Compass was so useful, could it cure his mother?

Thinking of that, Calvin ran to the hospital with hope.

When he ran upstairs, he found a hospital bed in the hallway, which seemed to his mother’s bed.

He rushed there and saw it truly was Shirley.

Shirley looked pale and weak and there was a dark cloud over her head. When she saw Calvin, she finally put on a smile and said, “Calvin, why the hurry? You’re sweating. No need to rush, I’m completely fine.”

Calvin ground his teeth with anger. How could these doctors be so snobbish that they couldn’t even wait for half a day?

“Mom, I’m sorry that I put you through this. But rest assured, I’ll find a way to cure you.”

Shirley thought he was just saying that to make her feel better, “Kiddo, I’m the one who’s holding you back. Don’t waste money on me. Let’s just go home.”

Shirley was struggling to get up and Calvin came forward to stop her. When his hand touched Shirley’s bony arms, he could see her physical condition in his inner mind. It was advanced breast cancer and there was nothing they can do about it.

That was incredibly accurate. Was there any chance to cure her? Calvin wasn’t sure.


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