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Oliver's Substitute Bride (Oliver and Jessica) novel Chapter 149

When Jessica returned to Birmingham, she decided to tell Jeff about Oliver's accident.

Since she was back, she couldn't continue to hide it. After all, Jeff was the head of the Williams family.

Jessica arrived at the Old Residence. Jeff and Lambert were both there.

"Grandpa, something happened to Oliver in Holland. Please send someone out to find him and save him." Jessica said bluntly.

When Jeff heard this, his hand, which was holding tea, paused.

He didn't know anything about Oliver's accident. He glanced at Lambert beside him.

Lambert deliberately turned his eyes away.

After all, Oliver was his own grandson. No matter what, he didn't want Oliver to be in danger.

He suddenly scolded Jessica. "Why didn't you tell me what happened immediately?"

Jessica shuddered in fear. Most importantly, in Jessica's impression, Jeff was still the kind old man who greeted her as "granddaughter-in-law".

Jeff looked unhappy the last time they had dinner on New Year's Eve. After all, Jeff and Oliver didn't get along well with each other and Oliver often provoked his grandfather. So she didn't worry too much about it at that time.

Now she found Jeff to be a stranger.

She comforted herself. Perhaps Jeff was too worried about his grandson's safety. At that time, she was also thoughtless and did not tell Jeff in advance.

But at that time, even if she told Jeff the bad news, they were too far away to offer any help.

Lambert, who was sitting by the side, said, "Grandpa, she's worried and sad enough. Don't scold her. We have to discuss how to find Oliver's whereabouts."

Jeff expected Jessica to disappear. However, he didn't expect her to come back while his grandson Oliver disappeared.

Jeff looked at Jessica resentfully.

Seeing that Jeff was angry, Lambert turned to Jessica and said, "I'll send you back to GrandVille Apartments now. Grandpa and I will take care of it. You can go back and have a good rest first."

When Lambert saw Jessica appear, he could hardly recognize her. She looked haggard, and when she spoke, she was also timid and weak.

It seemed that she appeared similar to the time before lost her memory. Lambert felt terrible to see her like that.

Jessica explained the whole story again and then got up to leave.

Lambert sent her out.

Jessica said, "Lambert, you should go back. The driver will take me back."

"I'll take you back. I can learn more about your situation back then." Lambert said.

Then Jessica agreed.

Lambert drove, and Jessica sat in the back seat.

Lambert said, "You look tired. You can lie down in the back for a while."

Anyway, his car was spacious enough.

Ever since Lambert went to work at the Williams Group, he seemed to have changed.

In the past, he used to dress up casually and drive a jeep.

Now that he was in a suit and leather shoes every day, he drove a Maserati instead.

Jessica perked up and said, "I'm fine."

In the car, Lambert had been asking about Jessica's situation in Holland all the way, but he didn't mention much about Oliver.

He asked again, "When you arrived in Amsterdam, where did you live?"

Jessica said, "No. 27 Hotel."


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