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Oliver's Substitute Bride (Oliver and Jessica) novel Chapter 57

The next day.

Oliver was called to the Williams Family mansion.

As soon as he arrived at the hall, he saw Jeff sitting in a wooden armchair with his eyes closed. When Jeff heard the noise, he opened his eyes.

Oliver greeted him, "Grandpa."

The old man's voice was hoarse and cold. "Sit down."

"Grandpa, you said that I must come here. What's the matter?"

Seeing that Oliver was so indifferent, the old man was angry and he pounded the crutch in his hand. "You just became the president. How did you dare to drive your uncle away? I didn't say anything because you had to establish your prestige in the group, but how can you offend the Zamani Group? You hit Henry's most precious grandson and even want the land of the Zamani Family. Do you have any idea what you're doing?"

"Grandpa, uncle made a mistake. He deserved all those punishments. It was the same with the Zamani Family."

"Henry called me early in the morning and said that you almost beat Aaron to death. What was going on?"

"He won't die, so you don't need to worry."

"How can I not worry? Do you still have a grudge against the Zamani Family? When you had that car accident, the Zamani Family broke off the engagement with you. At that time, I agreed directly to it in order not to offend them. Later on, when you were going to get married, I found the White Family for you. They were humble."

Jeff was a little excited. He coughed a few times and continued, "But you never tell me the truth. How could I know that your legs are almost healed? Otherwise, I wouldn't let you marry the daughter from the White Family."

Oliver said, "No matter whether she comes from the White Family or the Zamani Family, once I married her, she is my wife."

"I'm glad to see that you two are in a good relationship. I feel sad when I think of your parents."

Daniel and Maggie's relationship had not been good since they got married. Everyone in the Williams Family knew these things, and Jeff knew them best.

If it weren't for the fact that the two families arranged a marriage for them, his mother wouldn't have fallen in love with his father and then died.

Oliver frowned. "Grandpa, if there's nothing else, I'll go back first."

"You'd better apologize today. In the future, you must remember that there are always opportunities for cooperation when it comes to business. Don't be penny wise and pound foolish."

"Grandpa, I'll see to it. You don't have to worry about it."

Jeff sat up straight with a cane in one hand. His other hand trembled. "Fine. Don't be too rash in the future, or you'll suffer losses."

Oliver left the mansion and sat in a black Bentley. The driver was Simon. When he saw Oliver's solemn expression, he knew that he didn't have a pleasant conversation with his grandfather. Simon knew that every time the president would wear a solemn expression after seeing the old master of the Williams Family, so Simon did not dare to speak much.

Oliver rubbed his temples and leaned back in his seat with his eyes closed. "Simon, what's going on with the Zamani Family?"

"Aaron is fine. He's staying in the hospital to rest. Although he's in the hospital, he's quite busy. The Zamani Group bought iron ore in Australia a few years ago, but it was a wrong investment. Now there's a serious financial problem, so they are trying to sell the land to solve the problem. If..."

Simon began to hesitate.


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