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One mate and a Rejection novel Chapter 21

PART 1 Chapter 21 — 02 

“I lied, do have one.” “You don't have to make it up,Emerald.

It's okay to be alone—"

“I'm not alone! I have a mate!"

“Then who is it?"

his eyes bore into mine,almost challenging me.

"I don't know; (bit out every word.

He shook his head,’ It's okay,Emerald...

You still have me.” “Except for I don't.” “I heard about you attacking Amanda.

I know you're angry,but you shouldn't take it out on people.” “Who told you?” "Look,we are just trying to protect you.

You shouldn't be so reckless.

I also heard about your almost car crash,” he traced the outline of my scar.

I grabbed his hand and shoved it away,’ Who told you this!” “I don't think she'll like it if I told—"

"It's only fair that you tell me,” I retorted, my voice breaking.

He sighs, Amanda.

I know you hate her but she was just worried—"

“How did she find out about the car crash?” “Lisa told Jason,and I'm guessing he told her.” My blood was boiling by this point.

Any inch of guilt that once slithered through my veins was wiped away and I wanted nothing more but to scrape my nails across the clear creamy white skin of her face.

Revenge pumped in my system.

Anger is an understatement.

I was beyond furious and it must have shown on my face because Jared grabbed my shoulders and muttered,’ Calm down,’ into my ears.

But I didn't register his words.

My mind was too busy plotting out Amanda's death.

There was a ringing in my ear.

Like an alarm or a warning bell.

“Emerald,Emmy what's wrong?” Jared was asking.

I whipped my head to look at him, Nothing.

I've just been annoyed lately.

Go back to class.” “I don't believe you.

Is everything okay?” “As okay as it can get.” With that,l strut away from him,leaving him confused and staring at me.

I turned a few corners before deciding it was safe.


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