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Please Be Gentle With Me Mr Grant novel Chapter 55

As night fell, surrounding pedestrians grew sparser.

Blanca sat alone on a park bench, clutching at her purse. It was summer now, but the nights were still chilly.

From a bit of woodland behind her, some unknown animal made chitters. Blanca grew curious.

She’d always been bold, and since she was in a bad mood, she wasn’t afraid of anything.

She couldn’t help but walk over there. In the dark woods, with the night dim, an aura of faint horror lingered.

“Come here, missy… I’ll take good care of you, don’t worry…

“Oh, are you shy? Stop hiding… no one’s coming to save you at a time like this! …now let me have some fun!”

The sudden lecherous male voice put Blanca on instant guard. A girl seemed to be crying in there, and she went into a rage.

In broad daylight – well, okay, it was dark and gloomy right now, but that didn’t mean you could just do what you wanted to innocent women, did it?

Blanca tossed all her resentment from earlier in the day behind her as she took out the high heels from her back. She’d still been wearing them when she fled from the Empire Group Building in the afternoon, and it was clear how much of a scene she’d made when she ran.

Luckily, Blanca had been aware, and had left with her own bag, so she’d bought a pair of sneakers as soon as she was outside.

Right now, like an eel in muck, she slid close.

The moon dusted the pair before her with silver light. The offending man was a man in his thirties, in worn clothes, with unkempt shadows all around the lewd leer on his face as he approached the girl.


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