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Please Let Me Go novel Chapter 27

The voice of Channing came out of the receiver, Clarissa bit her lip and hesitated for a moment to speak out.

"Oh, Channing, I have the stuff here. Don't worry, I keep it well for you."

His voice was clearly a bit impatient, but thinking that he would probably not get anything at this point by falling out with Clarissa, he had to politely reply while lamenting that he had been caught doing something carelessly,

"Well, Clarissa, give me back the stuff now!"

"Oops, Channing, you called early in the morning. Don't be in a hurry to ask for documents, have you had food yet? I haven't had breakfast, let’s go out and eat!"

Channing lost his patience. His head was now full of the documents in Clarissa's hand. And if someone got hold of them, then he would have to spend the rest of his life in jail.

If it wasn't for that, how could he risk offending Antonio and have a leg broken by his men?

Channing felt his senseless right leg, how could he be in the mood to eat?

In his anxiety, he sounded a bit impulsive.

"Clarissa, do you not want to give me the documents?"

At that, Clarissa smiled and didn't say anything for a while. Channing asked anxiously.

"Clarissa, say something. You've put me in this situation, do you want to backtrack?"

"Channing, how come? If I want to give you back the documents, you have to meet with me. How about this, I know a breakfast place near your house with a nice environment and a good taste, let's meet there and talk."

Clarissa took out the blue folder from under the sheets, containing exactly what Channing had in mind, and she thoughtfully ran her fingers over the file folder.

"Don't play any tricks!"

There was nothing Channing could do. The stuff was in Clarissa's hands and he had to do as she said.

Soon, Clarissa dressed up carefully and locked her things in the cupboard to prevent the papers from being seen by the hourly employee.

After everything was packed up, Clarissa went out contentedly.

The two of them agreed to meet at a breakfast restaurant, which was a hundred meters away from Channing's home. He had broken leg and could not drive. Thinking that it was not an honorable thing, he dragged the crippled leg to see Clarissa.

He waited for a long time and Clarissa belatedly walked to the seat opposite him, not feeling the least bit guilty about being late, and with a straight face she beckoned the waiter to come and order breakfast.

Channing had long been anxious. As the waiter left, he leaned forward slightly and asked, "Clarissa, where's the stuff?"

Clarissa slowly placed her handbag on the stool next to her, took off her sunglasses and looked at him with a smile.

"Don't worry Channing, eat something first!"


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