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President's Substitute Wife novel Chapter 306

“Happy broken pupa, gorgeous new impulse...”

When Linda asked me the name of my studio, my cell phone rang.

I took a look. It was Sean.

I told Sean my number yesterday.

I hesitated and answered the phone. I asked him, “what’s up?”

He was silent for a few seconds and said, “I just want to tell you that I went back to the company. I may be busy in the following days. I may not be able to contact you. I’ll contact you after the advertising auction.”

After the advertising auction...

“OK, I’ll wait for you to contact me.”

Even though I said that, I was not sure if Sean and I could meet after the auction.

When I hung up, Linda asked me, “how about our studio called Swallowtail Butterfly?”

“Swallowtail Butterfly?”

It was the name of my cell phone ring.

“Yes, we’re starting again. Swallowtail butterfly is the largest butterfly. It’s colorful. I think the moral is very good.” Linda picked up a pen and drew a picture on a piece of paper beside her, saying, “the logo of this name is very easy to design. It’s an unfolding butterfly. It has two colors, one for me and one for you.”

“I agree.”

I said.

Actually, at this time, my mind was full of other things. I was going to listen to Linda.

In the afternoon, Linda and I went to Tyloo Home. We told the director about our double studio.

And we said verbally that we could cooperate.


The auction was coming. I felt more and more uneasy.

Finally, the day before the auction, I asked Murray to take Lester back to Sceaux.

Murray knew more or less about Jessop Family.

He agreed without even asking.

Lester certainly disagreed. I promised to take him back in a month, and he reluctantly agreed.

The next day was the auction.

The auction was in the afternoon.

I woke up early in the morning. I dressed up and wore a royal sapphire dress. I curled up my hair and made a fine make-up.

In front of the mirror, I really looked like a successful person.

When everything was done, I arrived at the auction site of next year’s advertisement, Noah Center.

I wanted to take the opportunity to get in.

At the door, I couldn’t help but be frightened by the scene at the door.

Noah Center had a huge square and it was full of luxury cars. These luxury cars were not the Bentley and Porsche that we usually saw on the road.

I hadn’t seen the signs.

There were some common cars but I hadn’t seen their colors.

It seemed to indicate that today’s guests were powerful.

I immediately understood why Sean looked upset when he mentioned the auction.

After all, there were many successful people.

It was not easy to get prime time.

I walked across the square to the door of Noah Center.

I stood there and was stopped by the staff at the door. “Please show me the invitation.”


I was stunned.

It turned out that not everyone could enter here. I had to have an invitation.

I didn’t have an invitation at all. I was guilty but I pretended to open the bag and rummaged carefully. I said to the staff member, “I seem to have forgotten.”


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