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Professor F novel Chapter 71

August cried harder when Flynn was down on his knees holding her cold hands. "N—No. Please don't do this. We can talk about it. Hear me out."

She pulls her hand away as he shakes his hand while crying silently. He sniffed hard. "L—Let me at least fly back with you—"

"No. I don't want to be with you now."

He was quiet for a moment before he stands on his feet. She was waiting for him to leave but he reached for her right hand and puts a small gift box wrapped in Christmas colors red, green and yellow.

"Merry Christmas, August. I love you.”

The Big Ben chimes in the cold night while people are celebrating Christmas Eve. Few people walking on the streets greeted each other happily while she stood there in front of Flynn with her heart breaking to pieces.

It felt like a spell has been broken as the sound resonates in her ears. Like the old fairytale story of Cinderella when the magic stopped at midnight. The Big Ben chimes for the last time and she knew it's over between them.

She heard him cleared his throat and sniffed almost quietly. "I'll get your things and bring it to the airport." He paused, looking a little lost and confused. "L—Let me get you a cab going to the airport first." He stepped towards the pavement and hailed a cab for her.

Augustine's tears won't stop flowing as her hand shakes holding the small gift box that Flynn gave to her. She bites her lower lips to suppress her cry.

She tightened her hand around the small gift box. She can't accept this. She turned and saw Flynn talking to the cab driver as he opened the door for her.

She walked towards the cab and gave the small gift box back without looking at him. She waited for him to take it.

The cab driver honked and asked if she's riding or not. Flynn apologized to the driver before he took a deep breath and takes the box from her hand. She then went inside the cab, still not looking at him even after he closes the door for her.

With tears flowing on her cheeks, the cab leaves the park and heads to the airport. She wanted to call her parents but she can't even stop herself from crying. And if she'd send them a message, they might even try to call her.

She cried on the back seat of the cab until they reached her destination. She stepped out of the car after paying.

There were just a few passengers at the airport as she watched them, greeting their family and friends. Others are waiting for their flights while on a video call.

She wiped her tears before getting inside the airport. She then heard the instrumental piece of Carol of the Bells being played but then noticed the sound doesn't seem to just come out of the airport sound system but also from inside the airport somewhere.

She noticed few passengers rushing to the lobby. Curious, she walked towards the same direction as the music seem to be more interesting with it's unexpected arrangement and reminding her of a particular musical instrument.

The crowd cheered and clapped their hands as the music piece ended with a happy female voice wishing them a merry Christmas.

And there she stood behind the crowd while staring at the mini stage where Pierre stood, his face looking so happy as he gently bows his head to the audience.


And as if whispering his name worked like magic, Pierre looked at her direction and reflected the same surprised look on her face.

They stared at each other for a few minutes as the crowd dispersed. She saw Pierre talking to a young boy who nodded at him and took his cello. Pierre then rushed to her as he takes off his red scarf.

August stood still as he puts the red scarf around her neck and smiled. "It's cold today."


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