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Rejected My Alpha Mate novel Chapter 20

Tyler POV


Going back to the beginning sounded like a better idea than it was proving to be as a reality.

"You want another drink?"

Tyler nudged his tumbler back toward the bartender who obediently refilled it. They were drinking well drinks which were higher quality at LUST than other establishments.

One of the main advantages to being a patron of LUST was the fact all their amenities were better than the average establishment's and their prices reflected as much.

"Rachel is everywhere, man! I swear your mate is going to double my next quarter returns. Every news agency has run a byline or at least a blurb. She's on all the social medias. She's trending on most of them!"


Dylan looked up from his phone with barely concealed glee plastered all over his face. He was loving the success Camelot was celebrating courtesy of Rachel's fame. She was approaching meteoric if his yammering was anything to go on and Tyler knew Dylan never exaggerated his business dealings with him.

They were too close to compete with one another in the business arena. As far as Tyler was concerned, Dylan Roberts was the brother he'd always wanted for himself. Dylan was a Hell of a lot more reliable than his actual brother William.

"Shut up. I don't want to talk about Rachel."

"That makes you the only one. You want to tell me what you do want to talk about? Why are we here of all places? You have an itch I should be helping you scratch?"

Neither of them were above admitting they'd indulged in the offerings of the club in the past. Paying for sex was easier than working for it with a lot of talk though neither Dylan nor Tyler had ever needed to worry about buying company.

They could have gotten women based on looks and Alpha status alone. With their money and name recognition, most women would accept a pick-up from either of them.

"No. No itches. I'm just trying to remind myself of something."

"Something wouldn't happen to be the first time you met one Rachel Flores would it?"

Dylan was going to be spoon fed his shit-eating grin if he didn't wipe it off his face.

Tyler frowned at him, "You know I met her here."

"Yes. I do remember. It was a pretty memorable night for both of us. I got to experience twins and you found your fated mate---only to lose her hours later. I still remember how you sounded when you called me asking if I had seen her leave!"

Tyler hadn't known what to think about his mate taking off without even leaving her name. She never explained fully, but Tyler knew it had something to do with her father's gambling debts. They had wound up in a world of misery together thanks to Patrick Flores and his bad luck at the gaming hells.

"Her old man put her up to that. You know, right?"

Tyler nodded and finished throwing back his drink. He dragged his finger around the rim of the glass as he considered whether he wanted to tie one on or go slow.

Liquor made things easier to bear---but it also had the side effect of making Tyler vulnerable to spilling his feelings out for others to hear.

"Would you like another, sir?"

"I'd like one," a feminine voice cooed and Tyler tensed, frowning as he watched Jenny slide onto the stool beside him, "I think my friend will take one as well. We're going to drink to our health!"

Tyler covered his glass with his hand to stop the bartender from pouring. He wasn't in the mood to deal with Jenny. Was the woman having some sort of psychotic episode? She had to know he'd been serious when he'd shooed her away before.

"Jenny. What are you doing here?"

"I like the drinks---and the company," Jenny said, "Aren't you going to share even one drink with me for old times sake?"

Jenny pouted and Tyler had to resist the urge to slap her. How could he have ever thought she was beautiful? She was so fake it was almost as if he were watching a robot pretending to be human. He doubted Jenny had felt anything real in years.

"No. We aren't keeping company together, Jenny. You should find someone else to occupy your time with now."

Tyler wasn't going to have anything to do with her in the future. He was rejecting his mate tomorrow then he was going to drink until he forgot he'd performed the rejection ritual. After that? Tyler just hoped he woke up with his memory intact so he didn't have to relive losing Rachel again.

"I don't want to find someone else. I've already found you and you're all I want, Tyler."

#Chapter 20 Tell me all about it 1


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