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Rejecting Your Rejection novel Chapter 5

"Assume I have kids with another when all I do was banging you"

Stretching her arms wide in the morning she felt Clyde tugging the fabric of her pajama. She kisses him on the head then sat down behind the island counter near baby Holly.

She pecks her on the cheek then pokes at her tummy playfully while she giggles in return. She plays with her while awaiting their breakfast cook by the shirtless Cameron who is busying himself with the pans in his hand.


Laura, Cameron's fiancée and also Holly's mom step inside the kitchen with a shirt only above her knees. She wraps her arms around him then kisses his neck, they started to make out

"now you two keep it PG your kids are watching"

Daniella complains making them both giggle like high schoolers.

Laura and Cameron met three years ago. They were second chance mates yet Cameron was unsure as he still loves and has respect for his first mate, her sister, and his son. Indeed, Daniella gave him her blessing to move on with his life and to love again. She has also reassured him that her sister would have wanted it too.

After a year Laura got pregnant with a baby girl and in honouring of her sister's memories Laura insisted to name her after Holly, Daniella's sister. Sometimes Daniella would see some part of her sister's character in Holly.

"So how did it go last night" Laura ask

"don't get me to start on it" she groans puffing her cheeks like a child.

"Ooookay... So any plans for today?" Laura put a plate of food in front of her.

"I'm on leave today and I want to take my favourite kids to the park," Laura winces at her.


"Are you sure you want to take two kids out. Trust me Clyde can be a little demanding and Holly... Don't fall for her baby eyes, darling... I'm warning you" they all laugh.

"You forgot I'm a werewolf version of wonder woman" she took a bite of her food wiggling her eyebrow at her.

"Whatever, but cool it will give us-"

"time to make another mini Laura or Cam" Daniella cut her off.

Laura patted her eyes "no we're not."

"Well denial is a confirmation of it" she teases them and went up to get ready after eating breakfast.

Sometime afterwards when the kids are both dressed and ready to go Daniella settled them in their car seats and drove off to the park.

They spent almost their whole day at the park, many people mistook Clyde and Holly as her children. She didn't bother to correct them either.

When it was time to go home, she packs their stuff in the car and picks up Holly holding her to her hip before she held on to Clyde's hand.

There was a pack of hots male wolves coming in their direction heading to their cars. She tries to avoid running into them, unfortunately, their luxury audio A8, Range Rover, Mercedes S-Class, Bentley Bentagya, and a black Bugatti La Voiture Noire overshadows her old Nissan Versa Note.

The sight of it dispirits her but she put on the I don't care attitude and walk to her car with the kids.


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