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Royalty Gone Bad novel Chapter 72


Writer’s POV:

Saïda left Noure’s presence, irritated once again. Even though she tried every single time to be with him, the way she used too, it’d become so hard. Ever since she’d tasted something different. A different man. Asahd.


She returned to the palace at around five that evening.

Asahd’s POV:

I was in the library again that evening, studying and discussing with my father. My first crowning ceremony was in a few days and I was a little nervous.

“I heard Hammar came here today,” my father said with a smile, once we were done with the study.


“I bet you were very happy to see her,” he poked me a little and I laughed.

“Yes, I was glad. She’s cool.”

“Cool? That’s it? I remember you used to like her very much. I’m glad she’s back. I think she’s actually perfect for you,” he mused.

“Oh no,” I laughed. “You and mother are trying to cause something between Hammar and I.”

“Something already exists between both of you. Always did. If you hadn’t travelled for studies, who knows how close you would be today?”

“I see where this is going. Mama whispered something about a wife and so on. Let me be clear, father,” I mused and leaned in. “Hammar is s great person, a friend and someone I used to appreciate and still appreciate. But, I’m not going to marry her.”

“But why??”

“Because, father,” was my only reply.

“Asahd, you’ll soon be 24. You need someone already. If you weren’t the heir, you could marry at whatever age. But you’re the future sultan. You need a future Queen.”

“I’ll find one, myself.”

′Already have. All I need to do, is make her leave Noure for good. And as fast as possible, I engage and wed her.′

“Why not, Hammar?” he asked, trying to understand why I didn’t want an ex I really appreciated.

“Father, I want to be as lucky as you. I want my marriage to be that of love too. You weren’t forced to marry mother. You found her and fell in love with her. Give me time. I promise you. I’ll find a wife for myself before I turn twenty four. I have time. I’ll be turning twenty three next week. I have a year ahead to find someone.”

“But you used to like Hammar so much. If you spend a lot of time with her like you used to, maybe the feelings will come back.”

I chuckled. My father was so stubborn.

“Father, if I don’t fall in love with the woman of my choice, then I’ll marry Hammar. Promised,” I stood and bowed “Please excuse me.”

“Fine, fine. I really don’t understand you at times,” he said and it amused me. I then left the library.

As I did, I spotted Saïda walking down the same corridor towards the pantry.

“Saïda?” I called out and she stopped and turned. I rushed to her. There were no guards around.

“Good evening, sweetheart.”

She stared blankly at me.

“Good evening, Prince,” she was a little cold and I could feel it.

“What’s wrong?” I asked concerned.

“Nothing. I just realised something. A fact,” she stated firmly and I swallowed a little.


Her eyes seemed watery.

“That what’s happening between us, will lead to nothing serious.”

“Please don’t start with this. I’m begging you. Saïda you’re the one slowing things up for me Noure is the obstacle here. Please, leave him and be with me,” I begged, a lump in my throat.

“And Hammar?” she folded her arms. “You ignored me the moment she appeared and it opened my eyes. She’s perfect for you. She’s in your lane. She’s a noble. I’m your employee. It opened my eyes. Even if I leave Noure, our relationship will never be accepted,” she muttered in a shaky voice.

“Saïda, I love you. I didn’t ignore you. I had to give Hammar my attention for my mother’s sake. I didn’t want her suspecting something between us. And I did it for your reputation. You’re still with Noure. If you weren’t with him, I would’ve spoken to my parents about us a long time ago. I would’ve convinced them. I can convince them. I can do all that, if you leave Noure. Please, understand me.”

“I won’t take that risk,” she replied firmly, wiping her eyes and my heart sank.


“I won’t leave Noure. We’re not possible. Please,” she started to sob. “Leave me alone. I’m begging you. I mean it this time.”

I found it hard to swallow and my eyes prickled.

“Please don’t do this to me, Saïda,” I begged her. My eyes prickled so bad that they hurt and I knew they would water.

“Stay away from me and I’ll stay away from you. Don’t make me hate you, please,” she sobbed. “Stay away from me, please. Approach me in an inappropriate manner again, and I swear on my head, that I’ll hate you.”

Before I could say something else, she turned and left.

I felt terrible. I ran a hand over my face in frustration.

My heart was racing and I really wanted to punch something.

“She can’t do this to me,” I muttered, a lump in my throat like I was going to cry or so.

I actually wanted to. She’d been so serious. She’d sworn on her head that she would hate me if I approached her wrongly.

“How can she do this to me?” my eyes were actually watery now and there was a pain in my chest.

’Why is she doing this to me??′

I ran my fingers through my hair, feeling like I was going to grow crazy. I could hardly breathe straight and my chest started to heave. The pain in my chest seemed unbearable.

′Is this what a heartbreak feels like?′

I shut my eyes tight, feeling angry. Very angry. I lost self-control and kicked a huge vase that stood by the wall, breaking it.

A servant that probably heard the noise, rushed into the corridor.

“My Prince, are you alright??” I ignored him and stormed away till I got to the stairway that led up to my room. I needed to be alone.


I shut the door behind me and leaned against it.

′I can’t let her do this.′

It hurt real bad. A pain that was actually like no other.

’-I won’t take that risk.-

...-I swear on my own head that if you approach me inappropriately again, I will hate you...-′

Her words repeated themselves in my head and a tear finally rolled down my cheek.


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