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Scary Night (Stuck In His World) novel Chapter 37

Risk & Lies


When she asked those questions, I couldn't bring myself to tell her the truth.

If I should tell her that Lorenzo and I have mated and I know full well many ears are active to hear what we discuss, they will stripe her off her title in the coven for keeping a lycan all this while.

I also need to protect Lorenzo as well, I will tell her when the time is right probably after the war should be the right time to let her know the truth.

I concluded in keeping my relationship with Lorenzo a secret.

"Oh I didn't even see him cause I had to run when we got attacked", I lied to her hoping she believes it.

" Am glad he didn't and you came back safe, that alone is enough for me, so let's go and eat. I almost forgot I heard from rumors that humans are around maybe the vision might be true", she said.

Am relieved, she bought it, "We find it soon but I still doubt the fact humans are in our world. What about Freya's body, have you been able to track where it is?."

"Still cloaked and unable to track the person, the witch doing this is indeed powerful".


I thought of Nora, wishing she was here with me right now. I must say she is my very reason I will want us to quit this fight so we can both wed and bear kids, live happily till our end meets with us.

I feel the war is dropping gradually because no cases ever since, the witches have been calm but the rumor of humans got me wondering if their presence were a good sign or bad that's if the rumor is true and if they are here.

I met with dad, at first I thought he his releasing mom for good not knowing he has another reason that got me in awe.

" Am happy no harm came to you during the blood bath even if we lost some important lycans, their death will never be in vain", my dad said to me.

I almost told him I have found my mate but then I realized he won't buy the idea because she is a witch and a weak lycan as well. Even if he accepts her, I know my dad, he will want to use her to accomplish so many things because she is a witch.

I think it's best I keep this from him for a while and as time goes on the perfect time to let him know about her will come.

"Am happy as well that my father is still breathing, you are the strongest in the pack", I complimented my father.

" We both will go and see your mother, they are somethings I need to find out from her about this new pack", he said.

"Pack, what new pack father, am I missing something here", I asked so confusedly.

" Well they were the ones that went against me and your mother help them out and saves other vampires, she is still paying for her sins, for betraying me, her mate, they are the omega pack", he added.

I took a deep breath and reasoned before talking, "Father what's the bone of contention now?", I said.

The fight is no longer between the vampire, witches, and us but now a fight between the lycans fighting off themselves". Father said.

" What, you mean the omega pack is waging war with us?", he nodded in approval.

"That's why I need to find out somethings from your mom, with that we will be able to get them, I should have killed Sebastian and his Luna back then but your mom saved them from me.".

" When you ready father, I am", I said.

"The rumors of the humans are getting out of hands and am beginning to believe that's it might be true", father concluded.



I got the news that my best friend is well and healthy.

" Good to see you in one piece", I said to him hugging him.

"You too, I just can't wait for the war to come to an end soon, I miss the fun you know", he said.

" Is it true about the humans in our world?" I asked him.

He took sometime before giving me a reply, "No, I don't believe it and I doubt if that can even be possible".

"I thought as much".


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