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Scary Night (Stuck In His World) novel Chapter 43

Don't Hurt my love& brother


I made sure Nora went back safe before I left with Santiago to see father.

"She is beautiful you know", Santiago said to me.

I assumed he might be feeling bad because he lost his mate and since then, he has been alone.

" Yeah, am lucky", I smiled.

"You didn't tell her about the combat you are accepting with the Beta?".

" I don't want her to be worried that's why, but I know it will work out well right?", I said to him.

"Well if you say so, but I have a bad feeling about this, why will Mateo just wake up one day, coming out from where they have been hidden and requesting for combat, with the excuses they gave to know if you are fit of been the alpha, I know you seem fit enough, I know that", he said with confidence.

I hugged him and said," Thanks for believing in me my friend, let's go for the meeting so we won't keep father waiting"

"That's true, I almost forgot about that, let's go so your father won't think am the one holding you back". We left.

Within me am a bit scared of the combat for I kept on having a but of the whole thing, what if he defeats me and I will be humiliated, if Nora finds out, she might be scared that am not fit to protect her since she is a weak luna.

I just couldn't let out the way I feel about the whole thing but I acted to everyone that I am strong and not worried about that because is what they wish to see and hear.

I noticed something different about Santiago, he was so excited and it's written all over his face, what could be making him this happy, or is he hiding something from me.

I shouldn't be disturbed for his happiness alone makes me believe I can do this and is good to see him having such a great mood.



" We meeting with the Beta, we still need to be very careful and vigilant for we don't know the plot they might be having against us", father said to us.

"Other lycans are on ground just in case they act funny", Santiago said to father.

" Son I know you got this, we fix the day and do it once and for all, I know you are stronger than all of them placed together and you will always make me proud, that is why you are the Alpha," Father said out those words and I got motivated by it.

"Yes father, I know I will never let you down", I said with boldness.

We entered the place to meet the Beta who was already there but the anger in the air was nothing good to write home about.

No one spoke a thing as we continue looking at each other with a range in the eyes but Mateo broke the silence.

" Good to have you here Lorenzo, never knew you would accept our invitation and come, once again you welcome".He said.

"Oh spare me the fake welcome expression and let's go straight to the very reason we all are here hum", I said back to him angrily.

" I know you can never change of been rude as always."

My father and Mateo had a talk and a day was fixed, before the full moon, we meet at the combat pack where other lycans will be present as well to watch the fight between the Alpha and Beta.

"Lorenzo, I know you are weak but I will take it easy with you on that day", Mateo boasted about his strength.

" Well, well, well, we see about that in combat, don't have false hope yet Mateo, I just hope you didn't take after your weak father", I know the word hurt him but was glad I did and I know full well we are not allowed to fight no matter what after the peaceful meeting just as custom demands.

I hate the custom so much and I will be breaking the rules soon if Mateo gets on my nerves.


Chapter 43 -Don't Hurt my love& brother 1

Chapter 43 -Don't Hurt my love& brother 2


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