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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 63

Emelia didn't pay any attention to the ever-changing look on Julian's face. She didn't want to talk too much with him, so after greeting, she said, "I'm leaving."

She only regarded Julian and Maisie as the most ordinary partners.

After Emelia left, Nina stared at Julian and said, "Mr. Hughes, didn't you hand over this project to Ms. Brennan? Why do you have to show up again and again?"

Maisie answered on behalf of Julian, "The director has been changed this time. It's a serious matter, so Mr. Hughes came here to host the meeting."

Nina chuckled and said, "I'm afraid there are some people who have ulterior motives. Be careful, without fate, two people cannot be a couple even face to face."

After finished speaking, Nina walked away in her high heels. Julian laughed with anger at Nina's words.

He still remembered that on the first day Emelia returned from abroad, they had met at Tymers. Back then, he had challenged Nina by saying that they were fated to meet after a long departure. He never thought that Nina retort him back today.

Nina's personality was one that wouldn't let others off easily. He didn't know how she managed to become good friends with someone like Emelia who was gentle and calm.

When Emelia entered the conference room, Viggo was already inside, looking down at the documents.

As a former superstar, Viggo was indeed good-looking. His handsome face could handle any camera angle, even the weird ones.

However, perhaps it was because that he used to be an actor, he looked more refined and affable than Julian.

After all, Julian came from a business family. He had been influenced by the business world since he was a child, so he looked fierce and aloof all the time.

Now, Emelia felt that it was more comfortable to look at an elegant man like Viggo. She didn't know why she insisted on loving someone like Julian, who looked so cold.

But, who hadn't been blinded by love when they were young?

It was not too late for her to return.

Seeing her enter, Viggo was stunned at first, and then he praised her in amazement, "You are so beautiful today."

"Thank you."Emelia was a little embarrassed. After sitting down beside Viggo, she asked, "Mr. Johansen, why did you suddenly decide to be the director of this show?"

Viggo smiled. "Instead of letting others making trouble and delaying the progress, it's better for me to do it myself."

"But the director's job is toilsome. In this way, you will be busier, won't you?" Emelia felt a bit guilty.

If it weren't for what she had done, Viggo only needed to be the boss in charge who came to check on the progress from time to time, instead of taking over the laborious task of director.

Viggo naturally saw through her mind and said gently, "It's okay. Anyway, I have always wanted to be a director."

Anyway... His business partner was coming back soon. He could leave the company's affairs to his partner later.

Emelia still apologized in a low voice. "I'm sorry, Mr. Johansen. It's all my fault..."

Viggo comforted her, "It has nothing to do with you. Don't think too much."

When Julian walked into the conference room, he happened to see Viggo looking down and comforting Emelia gently.

Julian glanced at Viggo with an unfriendly look. Harvey was not a good people, and now it seemed that Viggo was not much better that him.

Julian regretted agreeing to Viggo's position as director. Wasn't this giving Viggo a chance to approach Emelia easily?

The meeting began. Julian sat at the head of the table. From where he was, he could see Emelia's slender, white neck and pearl-like earlobes.

He suddenly felt thirsty, so he looked away and took the mineral water in front of him, opened it and took a few sips.

The phone on the table vibrated. He glanced at it and found it was a message from Ezra.

No words but a meme of three dog heads.

Ezra was clearly teasing him for disrupting Emelia's blind date.


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