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She belongs to the Alpha King novel Chapter 60

Chapter 60*** You look familiar!

Pink pov***

I was barely breathing, suffering to come back to reality after reaching my climax with king Valdo at the same moment and it was a crazy and insane moment but I loved it so much— I guess we should repeat it another time.

He flipped me back to face him and showered my neck with soft intimate kissing me up and down. Then he pecked my lips with a gentle one “I love you so freaking insane much baby Pink.” he sighed brushing my nose by his nose and placing gently his freedom to mine.

It was a different and amazing feeling. I couldn’t know what happened to him all of sudden and what changed him that much. But he was like someone else or in another meaning and she reminded me of the first day we met. He looked like that sensible and touchy and lovable.

I smiled softly “and I love you more than myself and our baby, my king.” Yes, I admit that. with all of our quarrels tighter but my love for him didn’t fade even for a second! Ice can’t stop the fire but fire can make the ice melt.

And I guess I was the fire's strong one actually and he was the ice cubes and here I was moving into his heart directly and making him swoon.

I just wish that we would stay like that forever. Yeah I do wish. Even so I hated that he was the one who made commands and deskin and dragged me everywhere he went without taking my opinion or even negotiating with me.

But being a follower to my king and my mate wasn’t something bad after all— I was supposed to be his second half who would always support him and be by his side forever till death did us apart.

I came back from my space out when king Valdo adjusted my clothes for me and tried to handle my hair because I obviously failed to do so for the second time.

Then we stopped by his office level I guess because once the door was opened. King Valdo again carried me between his arms and announced loudly and cheerfully “she is Pink, mars Pink my wife. We are newly married as you could see. So don’t bother us.”

I pressed my face to his chest feeling embarrassed by what he just said! What? Don’t bother us? Again!

Is he freaking insane? No I guess I just misunderstood a line in between his words that’s all. I need to wait.

Yes, I guess I was feeling dizzy bae] because I have never been into a place that was crowded from one side and the other side. I was somehow locked and fucked in a tiny closed place called an elevator and we are wild and used to living freely. Having a forest and thousands of kilometers to run back and forth.

I didn’t get used to seeing all those people in the same place ever!


The readers' comments on the novel: She belongs to the Alpha King