Maya got up with her body shaking the next morning. She was an early riser and that wasn't about to change any time soon. Her body hurt everywhere and she couldn't do anything to ease the pain.3

She rubbed her cold palms on her arms to get some heat for her body but it was of no use. This was her fate and the sooner her body adapted to the cold floor, the better for her.

She was about to sneeze when she got on her feet but held it back. She didn't want to wake him up. No more pain for now. She had paid more in one day. She moved her gaze to the bed but it was empty.

She wondered when he got up and where he was. It wasn't her business anyway but under different circumstances it would have been. She could be cuddling in bed with him at that very moment.

Maya pushed herself to the bathroom and ran herself a bath. It was cold but she didn't care, anyway the only way to get warm when you're cold is to bath with cold water.

In about twenty minutes she was done with her morning preparation and she walked out with her handbag at hand. She got in the kitchen and prepare herself coffee and once she was done, she went to her work place.

"Good morning Dr. Maya," the receptionist greeted her joyfully, "early as always."4

Maya responded to their greetings and walked towards her office. She knew that the way they smiled at her they thought she was happy. Who wouldn't think that when you're married to Chris Rollins?

The front desk was empty just like always since her assistant never got to work on time. She moved inside the office and she didn't believe her eyes. On her desk, gifts were everywhere from her patients wish her all happiness the world could offer.2

It wasn't fair at all. Her tears were already flowing before she could even stop them. This was too much for her. Was she ready to suffer in silent? Was she going to let the women to be humiliated? Was she ready to encourage abuse from her husband?3

If only she knew what to do. If only she had the answers to all her questions but she had none so far. She moved to her desk and started opening her presents one by one.

Mostly they were baby clothes for her baby if she will ever get one with Chris. It was too much for her and her tears flowed the more she opened the gift. If only everyone could know the truth.3

was a baby wasn't there to defend her. He had left her when she was about to graduate from college and joined the army again their father's will. And since that day, she hasn't

maybe he was dead. He was in war and anything could happen. Anything. It's been almost five years and no word from him. Not even a

in college doing different careers in life and they got along very well. She wasn't in her wedding for she had a very important one week conference to attend out of country and there, she wasn't

She said a come in and her assistant walked in with a bouquet of

that not less that two hours she will be operating on a patient who had brain tumour. For that, she needed

returned from his morning jogging and walked to the kitchen. He needed something to cool him down from his running. He walked to the fridge and took a jug full of

was about to open the upper cabin to pick up a glass when his eye caught on something he hadn't seen since he stepped inside the kitchen. It was a cup

took the note by lifting up the mug and read it. His hand formed a fist without the

her shivering on the floor this morning. How wrong he was, it would

trash can that was not far from him and poured himself a glass of water. After he

got late for his work. He was the CEO but that didn't allow him to be late. In fact he had

She was his oxygen and without her he would die. It was her who gave him the courage to push through with the so called wedding and he was

he closed the door behind

handed to him not long ago by his assistant. They had a photoshoot in less than one hour and everything had to be ready by then.

looked at him remembering how they became best friends since they were kindergarten. His friend was there to protect

him that. He knew he hated to be called by his full name. It reminded him of

tell me all the

said looking down at the papers, "and there is nothing to

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