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Sinful Mates 1-3 novel Chapter 155

  Evelyn’s POV

  Thaddeus stalks toward the car making me panic and I hit the gas, the car jolting backwards only to stop the wheels spinning but not moving. Looking back, Orion has his hands on the boot. He growls loudly smoke from the tyres spewing everywhere and I could smell burning rubber, but it was useless how he was strong enough to hold the car in place was beyond me. I take my foot off the gas not even bothering to turn the car off instead dashing over the seat and out the passenger door just as Thaddeus rips open the driver side door open and trying to grab me.

  I run, it’s all I could possibly think of. I hear the car cut off before my feet are knocked off the ground and out from under me, arms wrapping around my waist tugging me against them. I thrash kicking and screaming but the Thaddeus doesn’t let go. Instead, just tosses me over his shoulder stalking back towards the car and throwing the back door open, I manage to kick backwards forcing the door shut.

  “Evelyn, stop it,” he snaps at me, but I don’t instead continuing to thrash. Tears rolling down my face and I was crying and screaming hysterically they aren’t taking my baby; they will have to kill me first.

  “Evie enough,” Thaddeus says, spinning me around to face him and pressing me against the side of his car.

  “No, no you’re not taking it from me,” I scream.

  “It’s too dangerous, we can’t risk you,” he says, I could barely even see his face through my tears as he pins me there, my feet not even touching the ground as I thrash and I know its pointless, I am not getting away. Not from them.

  “I’m sorry, I have no choice,” he murmurs, pressing his face into the crook of my neck and I go limp, giving up. I will hate them forever if they make me do this. I could hear Thaddeus hard breathing, his breath on my neck. Orion was standing behind him looking away from the scene unfolding, I could tell neither of them wanted to do this, but they felt they had no choice.

  “I’ll let you change me,” I whisper my voice shaking and Orion’s head snaps in my direction.

  Thaddeus pulls back looking at me. “What?” he asks, wondering if he misheard me.

  “You can change me, I won’t die. Please don’t make do this.” Thaddeus looks over his shoulder at Orion before he too walks over.

  “We don’t even know how far along she is, or when it would be born,” Orion mutters and I feel hope die out.

  “It worked on my mother,” Thaddeus answers him.

  “Your mother had vampire DNA. Evelyn doesn’t. Her heart could stop long before our blood takes effect and is in her system” Orion says.

  “I can drink it every day please, Orion” I beg, and his eyes soften before he reaches his hand out stroking my face.

  “You will drink our blood every day, no complaining, no matter how gross it starts to taste” he says, and I nod. Thaddeus looks at him and I could see the wheels turning in his head.

  “C-section, if we keep her heart beating long enough by getting it out, she should survive?” Orion nods.

  “Chances of finding a doctor once she goes in labour Thaddeus”- Orion shakes his head pinching the bridge of his nose.

  “But if your blood is in my system won’t I just die and come back?” I ask.

  “That’s what we are hoping but the baby will be tribrid it might absorb everything. My mother craved blood during pregnancy” Orion nods and I could see he was trying to think.

  “I’ll do it” Orion says, making Thaddeus looks at him.

  “You’ll do it, you’ll really cut her open, your own mate?” Thaddeus asks, incredulous. The idea nauseated me. Orion nods.

  “Can’t be that hard.”

  “I’m not saying it is, I’m just asking because I know you don’t like hurting her.”

  “Well, I don’t have a choice now do I, she won’t go through with it so that’s all we can do, you and Ryland can hold her down, I will cut it out while you feed her my blood” They both look at me and dread consumes me, they were going to cut it out of me while I was awake and could feel it. They both stare and I realise they are waiting for me to answer. I nod even though the thought of it petrifies me.

  “And you do as we say, we have hunters after us and until things die down, we can’t stop Evelyn no matter how tired you get of moving.”

  “Please I will do anything you ask, just don’t kill our baby,” I beg him. He sighs pressing his head against mine.

  “Fine we can keep it,” he whispers, and my heart skips a beat, they were going to let me keep the baby, our baby.

  We stood there for a few seconds before I started to lose feeling in my arms from his grip. I wrap my legs around his waist trying to pull myself up from the position and relieve the pressure on my arms. Thaddeus eyes snapping to mine.

  “I can’t feel my arms,” I tell him. He chuckles.

  “Sorry,” he says, letting go and I feel the blood flow back to my throbbing limbs. He places my feet on the ground and steps back. His hand cupping my cheek.

  “No more fighting us,” he states.

  “I won’t fight you.” He nods, before opening the car door and I climb in. Orion walks over to the driver’s door and hops in while Thaddeus climbs in the back with me pulling me against him.

  “We need to get hold of Amara” he tells Orion and I see him nod before starting the car and turning it around and heading back the way I came.

  When we pull up at the hotel Ryland was out the front waiting with our suitcases. Thaddeus looks at me before opening the door. “Stay in the car” I nod, and he hops out talking to Ryland before opening the boot. Ryland climbs in the back with me and Thaddeus gets in the front, Orion pulls out of the parking space.


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