Tobias is the first to step out of the elevator, he is in his black suit today, accompanied by a white shirt and silver tie. His head is down, staring at his phone. He grabs his coffee off the tray without even glancing up at me and walks directly into his office. Theo on the other hand has a grey suit on, and the top three buttons on his white shirt are undone, exposing part of his chest. I have yet to see him ever as polished as Tobias, or in a tie for that matter. Theo stops, grabs his mug, and has a sip. “Good morning, Imogen,” he says with a wink before walking into his office across from Tobias.

  I can’t help the blush that creeps up, making my face heat up. I quickly place the tray back in the kitchen before grabbing the tablet off my desk. I hesitantly stand at the door to Tobias office, hoping to god he is in a good mood today. Just before I knock, he sings out.

  “You going to enter or stand out there all day?” His husky deep voice makes me jump before I open the door enough to quickly slip in. Tobias is sitting at his desk, fingers typing away at his laptop. He still hasn’t looked up. I stand there moving from foot to foot awkwardly. I find Mr Kane very intimidating, he is always so formal, so serious. When I haven’t spoken, he looks up, his eyes pinning me where I stand. My hands tremble slightly at his intense gaze. He cocks his head to the side waiting for me to speak, snapping me to my senses. I step forward, clutching the tablet in my hands like a shield while checking his schedule.

  “You have a meeting at 12 with Mr Jacobs. I have also forwarded the proposals ready for your meeting, and I am sending through now the emails received in reply to the conference meeting you held last Thursday.”

  “Is that all?”

  “No sir, I need you to sign off on the charity fundraiser for the hospital.”

  “So where is the document?”

my desk. I internally facepalm myself. I hold my finger up. Tobias rolls his eyes at me, clearly annoyed by my mistake with his hand open waiting for the

sigh, annoyed. I duck out and retrieve the document before sliding it on the desk in front of him. He instantly signs it before passing it back to me, not even looking at me and instantly going

help but notice that he looks tired. Dark circles hang under his normally vibrant blue eyes, and his skin is a little paler than his normal golden tan. I stare off in space, completely forgetting what I’m supposed to be doing, too busy admiring my

his head and I hear him chuckle. I turn around embarrassed, running from the

forgotten to breathe. The last time it happened, I passed out. To be fair, I hadn’t eaten so my brain was already mush. I awoke to Theo’s concerned face leaning over me, all while Tobias just stared at me like I was mentally challenged. Like seriously

Mr Kane can be quite horrible. I don’t think he realises the nasty things he says when he is angry. Luckily for him I have tough skin and desperately need this job. I also make sure I have my tablet in my hand every time I do go into his office on the off chance he throws something. I watched him hit the tech guy with a drink bottle once when he was in a fit

to my computer. My job is surprisingly good and easy, plus it pays well. Not much physical activity unless you count answering phones and carrying files. The only demanding thing is the hours. I am literally on call 24/7. I’m

for my printed document when the printer makes a beep before an error code comes up. The paper tray is empty. Bending

 The cupboard is empty. Walking out, I head over to the storeroom. Opening the door, I flick on the light and peer around at the shelves. I sigh when I see where it has been placed. Some moron has decided to stack it on the top shelf. Pulling the step ladder out from behind the door, I sit on it and I take my heels off and climb

gasp suddenly and jump in fright; I start to lose my balance. Quickly gripping onto the shelf with my fingertips, I right myself regaining my balance. My heart hammers in my chest. As my heartrate calms down, I become quickly aware of the hand that is grasping my ass. Looking down, I see Theo’s hand holding me steady. I can feel his large hand pressing firmly on my butt through my pants, his thumb between my legs

hand on me makes me blush, an unfamiliar feeling washes over me. What’s wrong with me? I have to fight the urge

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