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Sir Ares, Goodnight novel (Jay Ares and Rose) novel Chapter 20

Jenson stopped in his tracks and glared at the kid who was badmouthing him.

The mature and powerful look in Jenson's eyes was that of an adult's, his eyes ready to kill.

The timid child was frightened, instantly hiding in his mother's arms.

When the parent saw the source of her child's fear, she yelled at Jenson, "What are you staring at? Has your mommy never taught you that staring at people i s rude?"

The assistant felt sorry for Jenson and stepped forward to bail him out.

Nancy pulled her back and said, "That child's ego is too big. It’ll be a good thing to let him learn something. Otherwise, his temper won’t change. If he stays that way, I’ll have a tough time when I marry into the Ares Family."

Jenson especially hated people saying bad things about his mommy; that kid's mother had stepped on a landmine.

"Don't you dare talk about my mommy!" Jenson snarled, rushing like a manic little wolf toward the woman who had spoken.

"Is this kid crazy? Who’s his parent? Can't you take care of their own child?" The woman grabbed

Jenson's hands to protect herself from his attacks. 1

When no one responded, she roughly shoved Jenson t o the ground. His head struck the stone pillar next to him and was immediately bruised. 1

When Nancy saw what happened, she was scared. If something were to happen to Jenson, Jay would never forgive her.

She finally got out of the car and hurried toward Jenson.

People around pointed at her and murmured, "What sort of mother is she?"

Nancy was thin-skinned and was not used to such humiliation. Annoyed, she vented her anger on the child. "Jenson, come back now. How disgraceful." 1

With that, Nancy stuffed Jenson back into the car and sent him straight back to Horizon Colors.

Meanwhile, Rose had been at Horizon Colors for some time now. As she could not see Jenson or anyone else i n the villa, she was reluctant to leave and chose to wait outside.

Nancy's car parked next to Rose's car. Rose slid her window down a little and heard Nancy’s raised voice scolding Jenson. "If people say that you're lacking common courtesy, you should reflect on your mistakes! What’s with that attitude? You acted just like a lunatic just now! You have no manners at all!"

Rose peered at Jenson in the car. The child had his head bowed, his handsome face looked unhappy, and there was a bleeding bruise on his forehead.

Jenson stepped out of the car sullenly and Nancy registered Rose's presence with some surprise. She asked contemptuously, "Are you Jenson's nanny?"

Rose nodded.

Nancy's suspicious eyes scanned Rose's entire body u p and down. She raised her chin and said haughtily," Where did Jay find this nanny? She's a pretty little thing, huh!"

Rose ignored her comment and hurried over to Jenson. "Jens, how did you get hurt?"

Compared to Nancy's high-pitched screech, Rose's voice was as soft as the springtime breeze, and worry flooded her eyes. 2

Jenson did not reply and kicked the marble tiles under his feet with annoyance.

Nancy went over to them and said bitterly, "Someone's parent criticized him for his lack of manners so he rushed to pick a fight and ended up this way..."

When Rose heard what happened, she looked at Nancy angrily. 'How can this woman act like it's none of her business when Jenson got beaten up this badly? Why did Jay get such a cold-hearted person to send Jenson to school?’

Rose could not be more annoyed. "How dare she scold my little Jens. She's the one with no manners. Jens, bring me to her, I'll get justice for you."

Jenson was taken aback, i

Whenever this sort of thing happened in the past, Daddy always called the teachers to take care of it.


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