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SOFT MOANS novel Chapter 32

Alexia and Aaron climbed down the stairs with their luggages in their hands. "Woah, here they are. I'm so proud of you my kids. And I will also miss the both of you really badly. I hope you get to complete your schooling and come back really quick." Mrs Greg said, hugging Aaron and Alexia ready tightly.

"Mum, too tight.. too tight." Alexia groaned, as her mum hugged both her and her brother together, really tight.

"I just can't stop feeling so sad. It feels like the both of you will never come back to me again. And I don't want that. The both of you should always remember you have a mother back at home. And always try to visit me, and make sure you always call." Mrs Greg said, still having her arms wrapped around her kids.

"Mum, I will personally call and visit you. But I won't be able to do that, if you end up choking me, and then kill me in the process." Alexia groaned, and her mother quickly separates from them.

"I'm so sorry kids. I just can't believe that the both of you are already so grown up. I can still remember when you were just little kids and now, look at you now. The both of you are all grown up." Mrs Greg uttered tearfully. Aaron sighed exasperated, Alexia rolls her eyes.

"Mum I thought you are the one taking me to school. If you keep up with this, I would be very late." Alexia complained. Her mum would be taking her to school. While her dad, would be taking Aaron to school.

"Ohh yes, that's true. I wouldn't want you to be late, since we already have an appointments with the Dean." Her mum said taking her car keys.

"Well... Aaron we should also be on our way. It's a really long drive to your school."r Greg said, he helped Aaron with one of his luggages, and together they left the house. So did Alexia and her mum.

Alexia placed her bag in the trunk, waved at Aaron, and then got into the car.

Her mum started the car and drove out. So did mr Greg, but the two of them drove in different directions.

The drive to Alexia's school, was a really long trip, and a very tiring one. Once they got to Alexia's school, she wasted no time in getting down and buying a bottle of water. She drank the whole thing down, for her to feel so refreshed again.

"Are you Okay.. or do you want more?." Her mum asked her.

"Mum.. I'm not a fish, or do you want my stomach to get burst." Alexia said frowning.

"No.. I'm just asking. It's a really simple question, do you want more?."

"Ugh. Fine, I don't want more. Can we just head to the Dean's office already." Alexia grumbled really loudly.

"Yeah.. we can. Let's go. And please behave yourself, do not act funny or put up any kind of attitude. Allow me to speak to the Dean myself." Her mum warned, as they walked to the Dean's office.

"Yes mum. I promise not to say a single word. My lips are zipped." Alexia said, making a show of zipping her lips. Mrs Greg rolls her eyes, but nevertheless continued her journey to the Dean's office.

Once they got there, Mrs Greg knocked on the door, "Come in." A voice shouts from inside.

Mrs Greg nervously opens the door, and then both her and Alexia walked into the office.

"I don't want to guess, but you must be Mrs Greg, the lady that called me earlier." The dean, who is actually a woman said, with a small smile on her face.

Alexia frowned on seeing the Dean is a woman. She hated when a woman is in charge of a school. They are always naturally so wicked... She thinks.

"Yes, that's me. and this is my, daughter, Alexia Greg." Mrs Greg introduced.

"That's a nice name, Alexia. Well.. it's nice meeting you Alexia. My name is Christina." The Dean said, shaking hands with Alexia.

"Oh wow.. Christina, that's a really nice name." Mrs Greg said with a warm smile. Alexia didn't need a soothsayer, to tell her that her mum is warming up to the Dean.

Just like she promised, Alexia didn't say a word. Instead, she allowed her mum to do all the necessary talking, and when she's asked a question.. she answers.

"Well.. it was nice meeting you Mrs Greg. Be rest assured, that Alexia is in good hands. I will personally look after her." Dean Christiana assured, shaking hands with Mrs Greg, after their long talk came to an end.

"Ohh, it's also a pleasure to meet you Christina, and I'm thankful for the assurance. Thank you so much, and if anything should happen, even the slightest things, please give me a call." Mrs Greg replied.

"I will." Came Christina reply. Mrs Greg smiled at her, before leaving the office with Alexia.

"Mum, do you really have to do that. Ugh, why do you have to ask her to watch over me. I'm no longer a kid anymore, neither am I wearing diapers. So.. I don't need to be watched over." Alexia complains, walking behind her mum.

"To you.. you no longer wear diapers. But to me.. I see you in diapers, and I solely believe that you need to be watched." Her mum replied her in a casual manner.

Alexia rolls her eyes, her hand crossed on her chest. At that moment, she sighted Jenny. Jenny also got admission in the same school as Alexia.

"Jenny!!." Alexia yelled. Jenny turns around, and her eyes expand in shock, when she saw her friend. She rushed towards Alexia, and hugged her really tightly. "Wow, Alexia, what are you doing here?." Jenny asked he, putting an end to the hug.

"I will be going to this very school, so I cane to settle in." Alexia explained casually.

"Settle in. But I told you last week, that I was excepted into this same very school and I oh didn't say a word, about getting an admission here also." Jenny mutters frowning.

"Yeah, well.. surprise."

"No surprise. I can't believe we would be going to the same school. Why didn't you tell me that, when you came to my house last week?."

"That was because, I wanted it to be a surprise. And look. You are indeed surprised." Alexia said grinning.

"Good morning, Mrs Greg. It's nice meeting you here." Jenny's mum greets.

Thirty Two 1


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