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Sold as the Alpha King's Breeder novel Chapter 279

Chapter 59: The Rings


I watched them come up the drive, their fingers intertwined as Randy, one of our warriors, dragged two trunks behind him. Georgia was pointing up to the house, leaning into Talon as she talked, her dark hair falling long across her shoulders. For a moment, she looked like Maeve, although much smaller and darker, but her facial expressions were so similar to that of Ethan and our daughter.

Strong genes, I thought with a little laugh, crossing my arms over my chest as I turned to walk back into the house from my perch on the deck.

I heard Randy in the lower stairway leading up from the large garage. He was asking if he could take their things up to the White Queen’s castle, which was now used mostly for community events and housed the secondary school for the older children of Winter Forest, the old school too small for the sudden boom in population.


“No, I want to stay here! Talon, how cute is this place? It’s cuter every time I see it. See, this is what we should have built-“Georgia’s voice was drifting up the stairs as I walked out of the living room and into the front hallway.

“Rosalie!” Georgia cried, throwing her arms around me as she walked around the corner of the stairwell.

“Hey!” I said, squeezing her. Talon came up behind her, nodding his typical, hands-off hello.

I was expecting them, knowing full well Georgia would want to stay at our house other than the more immaculate rooms at the White Queen’s castle just up the bluff. She always stayed in the house, even if that meant sleeping on the couch with Talon on the floor beside her. The guest room upstairs was already taken up by Kacidra and Hanna, so Gretchen, our housekeeper, and I had made up Maeve’s room for them upstairs.

I had seen them a few months ago when Ethan and I traveled to Mirage to drop Maeve off. They had been making their yearly trip to Mirage at the time, planning it so we could all be together for an entire week, enjoying the company of family before we went our separate ways again.


Our reunions had always been met with joy.

But this time was different.

Georgia’s initial elation faded within moments of their arrival, and with good reason. I was hiding my panic at the fact that the seaplane had returned without Ethan and Rowan, deciding to not mention it when their journey was inevitably brought up. Ethan had gone to find Maeve and Ernest, after all. Now all four of them were missing.

I left Georgia and Talon to settle in, touching Gretchen lightly on the shoulder as she passed me in the hallway with a tray of cookies and lemonade for our guests.

“I’m going to go get some fresh air,” I said quietly, my eyes telling Gretchen I needed a moment to think, to panic, to let myself be totally overwhelmed. She nodded sweetly like she always did.

‘The girls went for a walk. Miss Hanna wasn’t feeling well, I’m afraid.”

‘Where did they go?” | asked, trying to keep my voice level. Was Hanna having another one of her visions?

“Miss Kacidra said they were going to do a loop around the castle grounds but would be back in time for supper.”

I gave her a quick smile and nod in reply, trying not to run down the hallway toward the backdoor that led out into the slightly overgrown back lawn.

The gate, situated right behind Rowan and Maeve’s old wooden playset, was open when I approached, leading out into the trail systems that wove through the woods to the grounds of the castle. I closed the gate behind me as I left our yard, breaking into a run as I was swallowed by the towering spruce trees and spindly birch that covered the grounds.

The castle was quiet now. School wasn’t in session, and it was the weekend, so none of the warriors were running drills on the open field with a dirt track around it. I spotted the girls right away, Kacidra’s blonde hair falling over her face as she held Hanna’s head in her hands.

Hanna was lying flat on her back in the field, her clothes wet and hanging from her body as she convulsed.

“Something’s wrong this time!” Kacidra cried, her face stained with tears as she saw me approach.

I fell to my knees beside them, taking Hanna’s face in my hands.

“Wake up, sweetheart!” I begged, gently patting her cheeks.

Hanna’s eyes were moving side to side under her eyelids, her chest heaving with effort, lifting her back off the ground.

“She’s never trembled like this before!” Kacidra cried, grabbing her sister’s hand and squeezing it tightly.

It went on like this for several minutes, the ground around us growing damp and the grass glistening with water, soaking our knees.

“S-S-S-” Hanna choked, water spilling from her mouth.

I struggled to turn her head to the side. She was fighting me, the muscles of her neck rigid as she fought whatever demon was on the other side of the dream.

“Find the door, sweetheart,” I said loudly, bending close to her ear.

She’d had two episodes since Rowan left, but neither had lasted more than a few minutes. One had happened overnight, Kacidra appearing at my bedside to ask where I kept the spare sheets, her nightgown soaked on one side and clinging to her skin where the water had traveled to her side of the bed. Hanna didn’t talk much, but I was able to get her alone long enough to have her explain her dreams. All she said was she had to look for a way out; otherwise, she’d dream again, and again, and again with growing frequency

This looked like much more than a dream, however.

“S-S,” she sputtered.

“What is she trying to say?” I said, looking up at Kacidra, who shook her head frantically.

“I don’t know-”


I froze. Hanna suddenly went limp, her eyes opening up wide but unseeing. Her right arm straightened, lifting into the air with her hand in a fist. She unfurled her fingers, one by one.

“This was missing,” Hanna said, her voice calm and reassuring. Then her arm fell, and she gasped.

I looked at Kacidra, her brow knitted in concern as Hanna began to wake up, spitting water as she rolled onto her side. I patted her back, making shushing sounds like I was trying to soothe an infant.

Kacidra shook her head, looking back down at Hanna and smoothing a lock of hair from her face. I sucked in my lower lip, biting it as I watched the sisters. All I could do was wait for Hanna to be lucid enough to tell me what she saw. And she would.


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