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Spoil My Errant Wife (Patrick and Christina) novel Chapter 187

In the middle of the night, there were some noises in the room.She opened her eyes.

The room was only lit up by a faint light.

In the dim light, she was immediately shocked to see a dark shadow standing near the head of the bed.

Crystal saw clearly the side profile of this shadow and shouted, "Christina, Are you supposed to be sleeping.What are you doing here?"

"I was frightened by you.Do you know that!"

She was used to living alone.

When she opened her eyes and saw this girl sneaking around by her bed, she was terribly scared.

Crystal was very resentful.


Miss Dickens replied perfunctorily, looking absent- minded.

It was late autumn, and the night wind outside the window was chilly.

with widened eyes, Crystal watched the woman standing up and walking to the window to catch the night breeze! "Christina, I can't let my godson catch a cold!"

Crystal was very considerate even though she was complaining, and she noticed that Christina had a cell phone in her hand.Who was she going to call? ..A woman who doesn't mean what she says."

Suddenly, Crystal did not bother to talk to Christina anymore.

She rolled over, and continued to sleep with her head covered.

On the other side of the window, Christina was a little tired, her hands were half-resting on the side of the window rafters, looking down at the dark area under the high-rise apartment building, where only a few streetlights stood, no pedestrians, no dynamism at all.It was quiet and lonely at this time.

Such a peaceful night was suitable for deep sleep.

But she couldn't sleep.

Holding the phone in her right hand, she glanced at the familiar number on the screen and stared at it for a long time...


With a low murmur, she touched the number she was about to dial.

Suddenly, she thought of something and turned to look at Crystal who was sleeping on the bed on the other side.She remembered that Crystal had to go for an interview tomorrow morning.She didn't want to disturb her in the middle of the night.

Holding her cell phone, she walked quietly out of the room.

Turning on the light in the living room, she quietly sat on the small sofa and looked around.

This elegant yellow sofa, the pillows with the cartoon figures of SpongeBob SquarePants and Totoro, three watercolor art paintings hung on the easily decorated white wall, and the small round table opposite which they used for dinner.

These brought a warmth of home.

At home.

After some hesitation, she finally picked up her cell phone and dialed it.

"What's wrong with Patrick?"

The call was indeed made, but it was forwarded to Charles.

It was early in the morning, and for Mr.Shepherd, who was used to nightlife, it was not disturbing.

He was wide awake.

"He's fine."

As usual, he was reluctant to talk about Patrick's personal affairs, but Charles's voice was low tonight.

"Did you tell grandpa that Patrick was at golden.A Club?" He asked.

In fact, Charles was almost certain that Christina had leaked the news.

He heard from the head of the club that this woman suddenly came in the morning and was finally kicked out by Patrick.

It must have been her 'revenge' when grandpa suddenly took actions in the afternoon.

The woman on the other end of the phone didn't reply.

She was very quiet tonight.

Charles was somehow not used to this.

He pursed his lips and said, "Grandpa came by himself at three in the afternoon..."

"Grandpa himself?"

It surprised Christina.

The old man didn't like to go out.

He usually just sent people out...

She became more disturbed.

She then said word by word with accents, "Charles, what exactly is wrong with Patrick?"

"He's not sick!"

Charles's voice was a little loud, and the cigarette in his left hand was impatiently extinguished by him, "Christina, listen carefully.Patrick is not ill"

"He's...He's fine now”

He hesitated for half a second, then took a deep breath and explained calmly, "Grandpa came over personally this afternoon.If there is really something wrong with Patrick, how can grandpa let him go so easily? Patrick is really fine."

At least for the time being.


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