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Spoil My Errant Wife (Patrick and Christina) novel Chapter 44


Christina suddenly asked the taxi driver to stop, but after a while, she showed an embarrassed expression.

"It's nothing.Keep driving.’’ 

"Miss, you look a little pale.”

The taxi driver turned to look at her and said with concern.

Christina smiled.

"I'm fine.’’ 

She looked out at the left side of the window and she looked a little disappointed.

Just as the taxi passed the traffic lights at the intersection, she seemed to see Patrick driving past the taxi she was in.

It seemed to be......

"Why should I think about him?"

She lowered her head and muttered.

Back in the suite of the W Hotel, she looked at the clock on the wall.

It was already eight o'clock in the evening.

Christina was a little upset and suddenly remembered something.

She immediately ran to the bed, grabbed the hotel phone, and called the receptionist.

"Hello, may I ask if anyone has come to see me while I'm out?"

As she heard the polite reply from the receptionist on the other end of the phone, her expression became more disappointed.

"Oh, okay...Thank you."

Patrick didn't come looking for her.


When she was just at the milk tea shop, she was worried that Patrick would come over and she would miss her.

She was instantly a little stunned.

'l am worried that I would miss him?’ Inexplicably, some throbbing emotions surged into her heart.

This made her feel very strange.

"What the hell is he up to?"

Christina sat by the bed, turned to look at her suitcase, and hesitated.

"Should I wait for him to come back to A City?"

Finally, she went to the bathroom to wash her face and decided that if Patrick didn't contact her tonight, she would book a flight back to A City tomorrow morning alone.

"Is he always so busy? He is at work or with others?"

She knew that Patrick was a busy man, and he had a lot to deal with in IP&G Group.

He had to personally approve and sign big projects.

She often saw that he stayed up late in the study.

She was at least his nominal wife.

In fact, seeing him so busy, she felt distressed to see him being so tired, but she didn't know how to express her feelings.

Christina lay on her side on the bed, flipping and playing with his phone with her right hand.

She hesitated.

‘‘Would it bother him to call him now?"

Suddenly, there was a sharp pain in her abdomen that caused her to curl up.

The phone in her right hand fell to the floor.

"Ah, it hurts..."

Her face was pale and a little livid.

She bit her lip tightly and pressed her abdomen with her hands hard.

The sharp pain coming from her abdomen made her breathe faster.

Cold sweat was dripping from her forehead, and her body trembled.

She supported herself with both hands and tried to get up from the bed, but she had no strength.

Christina gasped.

"Why is this..""

She didn't understand why it hurt so much as she didn't eat junk food and everything was normal today.

Why…Her face was pale.

She turned to look at the phone that had fallen on the floor...


Her heart was filled with fear and helplessness, but she recalled his name in her mind.

Her eyes were red.

She gritted her teeth, supported herself with her elbows, and crawled closer to the bed.

Her right hand was trembling as she tried to grab the phone on the floor.

‘Yes.To find him, To call Patrick...

Her breath was disordered and her body had no strength.

Christina flipped over on the bed and fell to the floor.

She endured the pain in her back.

At this time, her hair was messy.

Cold sweats broke out all over her body.

She crawled forward, losing her beauty and composure.

She finally grabbed the phone.

Her trembling fingers swiped across the screen several times before dialing his number...


It was as if she had grasped the last straw, she said his name with her weak and trembling voice intermittently.

"Patrick...Come to the W Hotel, please.I'm not feeling well.Come here...Help..."


The call was put through and a woman answered the call.

The woman's voice was soft, delicate, and sounded ambiguous.

"Patrick is with me.We are very busy.He's staying over tonight..."

"Christina, he's not free to talk to you right now.Do you need me to tell him anything?"


Christina couldn't say a word.

Something was choking in her throat, and she felt really bad...

Tears streamed from the corners of her eyes.

She crawled on the floor, her right hand clutching the phone tightly.

She felt a sense of desperation and humility.


It hurt.

There was another sharp pain coming from the abdomen.

When she looked down, Christina's face turned pale and her eyes widened in horror.

She held her breath, but she could not suppress the frenzy of her heartbeat.

She saw a shocking dark red streamed out from under her legs...

"My child..."


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