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Spoil My Errant Wife (Patrick and Christina) novel Chapter 77

Christina looked at them suspiciously.Since they didn't want to say anything, she didn't continue to ask.

"Grandpa, I want to go back to my old apartment and pack something up."

"Be careful."

Although Mr.Hopkins pulled a long face all day, he was not as cold and domineering as the rumors.

He was more open and easy to get along with than his grandson.

"Got it."

She answered and followed the driver out.

Yesterday, when she talked to her aunt on the phone and mentioned the past, Christina remembered that her little wooden box had disappeared.

There were so many things that happened in the past few months and she was not sure where she left it.

The car was moving steadily and rapidly.

Ina moment of thought, Christina turned to look out of the window and found that they had arrived at the old house she used to live in.

"I want to stay in the apartment for half a day.You go back first.I'll call you if anything comes up and then you come to pick me up.' As she spoke, she opened the car door and walked out.

"All right.Ma'am, take care."

The driver nodded at her and did not dare to accompany her forcefully.

He stepped on the gas and left quickly.

Christina walked into the dilapidated apartment.

Without an elevator, she could only climb the stairs step by step.

She took the key out of her bag and wondered where her little wooden box was...

"Miss Dickens, you're here."

Amancame out of the opposite door and greeted her with a smile.

Christina didn't know him and he looked like a new resident.

She replied politely, "Hello.”

She took out the key to open the door of her apartment and walked in.

When the door was closed, Christina suddenly realized something, 'How does he know my surname is Dickens?’ Out of curiosity, Christina lay prone on the door.

From the peephole above the door, she could see that the other party had locked the door and gone downstairs.

She didn't think much about it.

Anyway, she would return to the Hopkins Family in the afternoon.

After rummaging through the small apartment twice, she still couldn't find her small wooden box.

"Could it be left in the Hampton Family..."

Feeling a little depressed, she looked up at the electronic clock on the wall.

It was almost noon.

She packed up and stuffed back the clothes which were in a mess as she rummaged through them.

Thinking about it, she felt a little awkward going to the Hampton Family to get her little wooden box.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

Christina was Startled and hurried out of the small bedroom.

However, before she could go forward, the door had already been opened with a click.

Who had the key...

"What are you doing here?"

Christina looked at the person in front of her warily and puzzledly, especially when she saw that he was carrying a large bag of fresh ingredients in his right hand.

"I bought some food and came to cook for you."

He seemed to be in a good mood, and his tone sounded very natural.

As he spoke, he walked towards the kitchen.

"Cory! “ Christina shouted at him in a voice of complicated emotions and quickly followed him.

He was really strange today.He was dressed in casual clothes which outlined his tall and thin figure.

His handsome face had no angry and decadence he had yesterday.He turned on the tap in the small kitchen and washed vegetables seriously.

"What exactly do you want to do?"

Christina stood behind him, a little afraid to approach him.

He didn't seem to hear her question, and his expression was calm.He looked down at his expensive Patek Philippe watch and whispered, "It's almost 12 o'clock.Christina, wait for me for a while.I'll be quick..."

His voice was light.

It was as if cooking was his usual hobby.

But Christina knew that this Young Master, Cory, never had the habit of cooking.

"What's wrong with you?"

She couldn't help but step forward and snatch the big shopping bag from his hand.

"Christina, I know you don't like eggs..."

He still had a smile on his face, and he said slowly.It sounded like he was trying to coax her.

"I bought a lot of things you like to eat today.Give me these ingredients.You can just wait outside."

Christina stood beside him with a look of astonishment.

‘‘What happened to him?’’ She looked at a ferocious Australian lobster on the table which was struggling hard.

Cory didn't know how to cook at all.

He was a little confused, and his fingers were bleeding as his fingers were stabbed by the hard shell of the lobster.

"Cory, stop messing around!" Christina couldn't bear to see this.

She grabbed the big kitchen knife and cut the poor lobster into pieces.

Yes, she didn't know how to cook either.

So the last time when she saw Patrick fry soft-shelled crabs for her, she was very surprised.

Cory looked a little embarrassed.

"Christina, I heard from your aunt that you like men who can cook.I can..."

She looked at him and found that he had a fawning expression on his face.

If he had said these things to her when they just got married, she would have been very touched.

"Cory, I know you feel bad about being tricked by Patrick, but it's too late.."

She didn't want to get involved with him anymore.

"Christina, do you want this lobster steamed or stir- fried?"

He continued to work and asked patiently as if he had not heard her at all.

Christina looked at his pretense.

She saw his clumsy movements as he tried to hold pots and plates...

"I don't eat seafood when I'm pregnant."

She suddenly raised her voice and said.

At this moment, the smile on Cory's face froze completely.


Pregnant with Patrick's child.

As if he could no longer pretend, he held back his anger and shouted angrily, "If Patrick didn't get in the way, we would be a very good couple..."


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