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Such a Rude and Noisy Woman novel Chapter 131

Hiram, who had his back to Gavin, lifted his eyes after hearing Gavin's question, feeling something prickling them.

He turned around and said, "Not yet. Dad, it happened a long time ago. It isn't easy to find out anything now. I've assigned more people to investigate. I'll let you know as soon as I find something new."

Gavin nodded his head and sighed.

The most regretful thing he had ever done in his life was that he hadn't protected his one and only younger sister. He felt terribly sorry that she had passed at such a young and beautiful age.

Regret could make people live with remorse for the rest of their lives.

The only thing he could do now was to find out the truth in his remaining years so that he could address her grievances.

"If there is nothing else, I should go, " said Hiram. With a nod from Gavin, Hiram turned around and walked towards the door.

Suddenly, something occurred to Gavin. He shouted after Hiram, "Hiram, think it over. Can you just go to see Lydia's show with me tonight?"

In H City

Soon after Rachel arrived at Tulip Palace, Celine arrived as well.

Although Hiram didn't like strangers in his house, he was fine with Celine visiting, since she was Rachel's best friend.

"Rachel! We're really in trouble this time!"

Celine complained to Rachel. She had kept talking about visiting Rachel's luxurious mansion, but now that she was finally here, she wasn't in the mood to enjoy it.

"What happened?" Rachel made her a cup of tea. She surveyed Celine, who looked frustrated.

Celine said, "Our director is like an old fox, very cunning! He made promises and then went back on his word. Now, after realizing that everyone is leaving the company and that the company's performance isn't as good as it was before, he called me at midnight to ask me to stay!

He also talked about raising our salary and giving more perks. But Michael, Fiona and I have already decided to leave! These couple of days are supposed to be our last days in the company. But I think he won't accept our resignation letters."

Rachel wasn't surprised to hear all this. She smiled and said to Celine, "Well, I anticipated that, actually. You all got promoted to Team A because of your ability and performance, not because of flattering the board, so you guys are really important to the company. If you're all planning to quit, of course they'll be worried!"

"Yes. But, Rachel, you have no idea about how depressed we are this month. This whole thing is such a torture. I hate having to meet people from Team B every day. They suck! If he really doesn't accept my resignation letter and I have to stay in the company for even one more day, I'm gonna… I'm gonna…"

Celine trailed off, groaning and throwing her hands up in exasperation. "I'm very frustrated. I feel like I can't breathe, you know?"

Rachel patted Celine on the shoulder and smiled. "It will be okay, Celine. Let's put that aside. I've got another thing to discuss with you.

Hiram asked me to join in one of his company's projects. But it's completely different from what we've done before. I think it's time we learned something new and improved our abilities! Besides, the company we used to work in was too small for us to use our full capacity."

Celine looked at Rachel blankly and asked with reluctance, "So, what you're thinking is…?"

"Celine, what we're up against in the future is a bigger platform. Right now, all I can do is to give it a shot. But if I join this project and learn to handle it, I'll become a better leader, and I'll be able to provide you guys with more efficient advice. Plus, if we expand our scope of business, it will be better for our studio, " Rachel explained carefully to Celine. The world was changing, and they needed to change with it. They couldn't just focus on what they had already achieved.

"So, what do you think?" she asked.


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