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Such a Rude and Noisy Woman novel Chapter 161

"Rachel, wake up!" Daniel suddenly sat up and nudged Rachel awake.

It hadn't been easy for Rachel to force herself to sleep even though she was extremely exhausted. So when Daniel woke her up suddenly, she felt tired and dizzy. As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw Daniel quickly draw the curtains and open the window.

"Open the door! We're police. We're raiding the hotel!

Open the door quickly. Otherwise, we'll kick it open!"

The people outside shouted, knocking incessantly on the door.

Daniel stuck his head out of the window and looked down. When booking the room, he had chosen the room on the second floor with the easiest access to the ground.

"Shh. Keep silent. They're not police, " he whispered, beckoning her over with a wave.

Rachel quickly sat up, put on her shoes and walked to him. She whispered, "How do you know that they're not police?"

Daniel moved a chair to the windowsill and climbed up on it. Then he said, "Have you ever seen the police raid only one room when they are conducting a surprise inspection? Besides, even if they are police, this area is under Zachary's control, so how can we be sure that they aren't colluding with him?

I'll go down first, then I'll help you."

Daniel was sure he was right. He was a light sleeper, but he hadn't heard knocking on any other doors. Besides, it was almost morning. Why hadn't they raided the hotel last night instead of today morning? They must be lying about their identities.

As he spoke, Daniel stepped onto the windowsill and pressed himself against the wall. He lowered himself down carefully and placed his feet on the windowsill of the room below, then waved his hand to Rachel.

Rachel glanced at the door, knowing that Daniel was probably right. Since they hadn't opened the door after such a long time, the people outside had started to kick it!

"They aren't opening the door for us. Kick it open!" The doors of hotel rooms in small towns were never strong or solid.

After a few hard kicks, cracks began to appear on the door.

Rachel didn't dare to stay in the room. She stepped on the chair and climbed out of the window, then Daniel helped her down. As soon as she could stand firmly on the windowsill below, he jumped down to the ground.

When Rachel jumped down after him, they heard a bang. The door had been kicked open!

Daniel held her wrist and ran towards his car before noticing that it was surrounded by several people.

"Great, now we can't go back to the car. We have to go in another direction. Maybe we can call a taxi..."

He was ready to run away with Rachel, but just then, several men walked up to them and blocked their way.

"Run. Keep running! Why don't you run?"

Shouted one of the men. He was one of the men who had chased Daniel and Rachel in the mountain. He looked strong.

Seeing so many of them blocking their way, Rachel was scared. She held Daniel's hand tightly and asked, "Daniel, what do we do now?"

"Take it easy. At least this time, I'm with you, right?" Daniel comforted her with a smile.

'It seems we can't run away now, ' Daniel thought.

"Come here and catch them!" the strong man commanded in a booming voice. The other four sturdy men rushed to Daniel and Rachel and caught them.

Daniel didn't resist. He knew that if he did, they would start hitting him.

If there had been only two men here, Daniel would have tried to face them. But there were five men and one of them was a commander, so Daniel knew it would be impossible for him to fight and win.

"Daniel... I'm so sorry. You're in this mess because of me!" Rachel said. She bit her lips and looked at Daniel, who was pushed down to the ground.

"Take them back!" the strong man shouted. Rachel and Daniel were dragged to a minibus by two men each.

Daniel smiled as if everything was okay. He looked at Rachel and said, "Don't talk nonsense. If I were afraid of ending up in a mess, I would have chosen to stay in H City!"

Although Daniel was in the grip of two men, he was still optimistic. He was strong and didn't lose hope. He looked at Rachel with a broad smile.


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