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Such a Rude and Noisy Woman novel Chapter 90

"Mr. Hiram, I discovered that Robin Leng and his gang were behind this plot, so I hired a bunch of thugs to deal with them. The matter has been properly handled, " Chad Rong said, finally breaking the silence.

Though he had handled the matter, he hadn't gotten the chance to report it to Hiram.

The century-old family enterprise owned by Hiram's family had inevitably made many enemies during its development. At times, some of their more desperate enemies, such as Jay and Robin, would rise and make aggressive moves against them.

But such things were no big deal to Hiram and his family.

Hiram wordlessly continued drinking his glass of wine while enjoying the beautiful view of the sea, as if he hadn't heard Chad. Every time he finished a glass of wine, he poured himself more and drank again. He had been continuously drinking wine the whole morning.

"Ah, Mr. Hiram, your mother has been trying to reach you on the phone. Would you like to call her back?"

Chad asked, seeing that Hiram hadn't replied.

He had to let Hiram know these things even if Hiram didn't respond.

Hiram's family was a big and complicated family that thrived on its enormous and century-old family enterprise. Although Hiram was averse to employing his relatives who were born with silver spoons in their mouths, he selected some of his talented and capable relatives to enter the Streams Company.

Among them were Carl and Chad.

Hiram finished his drink and, out of the blue, asked, "Chad, tell me. Are all women ungrateful?"

"Huh?" Chad answered in astonishment. He was surprised by Hiram's sudden question. A few seconds later, he said, "Not exactly, there are still many gentle and considerate women."

His girlfriend was such a woman. She was much better than those short-tempered women. She never fought with him, and was always gentle with him.

However, Hiram was living in a different environment from him.

As Hiram's family was very popular in H city, he had been surrounded by women since he was a little child. And more and more women began to gather around Hiram as he grew up. Maybe outsiders couldn't understand why Hiram couldn't find the right woman, but Chad could.

Hiram seldom dated someone. And even when he did, the relationship wouldn't last long.

The women who could remain by his side were either easy to get along with, or capable of working efficiently for him.

"Really? Why do I feel she is ungrateful no matter how kindly I have treated her?" Hiram asked, before refilling his glass with wine again.

It was the first time.

It was the first time he had been nice to a woman outside of his family. It was the first time he had begun to control his temper and tolerate a woman. It was also the first time he had learned to fulfill a woman's requests.

He thought that after everything he had done for her, they would be able to weather the storm of the divorce incident together.

He hadn't meant for it to happen in the first place.

In the beginning, he had married Rachel just to appease his parents, but he had never thought that he would live the rest of his life with her.

But weren't the things he had done for her afterwards enough to prove his heart?

"Mr. Hiram, there's a simple solution to this problem. If you've fought with her, you should patiently calm her down and make her smile. Women will listen only when you talk softly. If she is still mad at you, it just means that you have to work harder. Everything will be fine once her anger is gone, "

Chad advised. Even though Hiram had high IQ and EQ and knew women very well, he was inexperienced in handling such matters.

Hiram knew very well that Rachel was not an unreasonable woman. She was clever most of the time and seldom caused trouble for him.

In fact, she was unlike any other woman. During the one month with Hiram, she rarely bought luxuries even though she could afford them.

Hiram knew that Rachel didn't care about money.

The only weakness Rachel had was that she was proud.


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